The Lord is extending an invitation to the body of Christ to rise up and experience a profound season of revelation, and deeper intimacy with Him. He is calling us to move beyond the status quo of mediocre Christianity and embrace all that He has for us. While every believer can access daily revelation and be led by the Holy Spirit, some may have a struggle to receive it for themselves. There is an open door to come up higher in Him.
The Lord recently reminded me of a prophetic dream that I had several years ago which I had recorded in my journal. As we transition into this new year, and as time moves on, expect a dramatic overhaul in the natural world, as well as an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the supernatural realm. I don't believe that this dream was limited to its original time frame, because prophetic dreams are not bound by time zones. Just like prophetic words, some (but not all) are timeless, and continue to unfold throughout the years.
The Lord is about to do extraordinary things in the coming year. A great awakening is on the horizon, and I believe that 2025 is going to be a year of a great harvest. Many people will turn to the Lord, and many prodigals who have wandered will return to their faith with a renewed commitment. Things will begin to happen that will cause some to look for answers and Jesus certainly has all the answers.
As the year 2024 is coming to a close, we could look back and reflect on the triumphs and the challenges we've faced. We've experienced our share of happiness and heartaches, but through it all, we've grown and learned. Many people are looking forward to 2025 with anticipation, and great expectation. As we ring out the old, and bring in the new, we wonder what the Lord has in store for us this upcoming year. Will there be wars, rumors of wars, feast or famine, or will we experience the greatest revival that the world has ever experienced?
People will go to extraordinary measures to protect their treasured belongings. They install security systems with cameras and alarms on their houses and businesses for protection against thieves stealing their valuables. They have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to protect their families against gas leaks and fires. As Spirit filled believers, we have a priceless treasure: The Holy Spirit dwelling within us, yet we underestimate the value of this gift.
There is a sound of awakening being heard across our land. The sound of a trumpet, beckoning the body of Christ to awaken and position itself for a move of the Holy Spirit in this critical hour. The Lord is calling for the body of Christ to stir, arise and synchronize with the Holy Spirit to bring transformation to this generation. We're living in chaotic times, and our world is experiencing rapid, extreme changes, and radical behavior in all walks of life. Unpredictable events are becoming the norm, and we're at a crossroad as a nation.  
The Holy Spirit often speaks to me in parables, allegories, dreams and visions. One night several years ago, while reading the bible, He revealed a powerful allegory to me. He showed me a mother eagle hovering protectively over her nest with her baby eaglet inside. Knowing that the eaglet came into full maturity and that it was time to fly, the mother eagle gently nudged the eaglet out of the nest. As the eaglet plummeted, the mother swooped down, rescued it, and placed it safely back into the nest. She did this several times until the eaglet learned to fly on its own.
I wanted to share a dream that I found in my journal from three years ago that still resonates with me. In the dream I saw a pastor who is a respected and influential leader of a large charismatic church. I haven't followed his ministry for a few years, but I remember his impactful teaching. He is a man of faith and has a powerful anointing on his life. I attended some conferences back in the 90's where he was one of the speakers.
Many of you are sensing a turmoil brewing in the spirit realm. There is a growing sense of uncertainty settling in, like the calm before the storm. Those of you who are spiritually sensitive and attuned to the Holy Spirit could discern that it's a battle between the forces of good and evil. There are assignments sent from the enemy that are meant to divert people's attention off Jesus' plan. For those of you who received a prophetic promise from the Lord, be assured that it will come to pass regardless of what circumstances may look like in the natural.
One morning I woke up with a vague memory of having multiple dreams, but unfortunately, I couldn't recall any details. I went to my kitchen and began my day as always by saying "Good morning Holy Spirit". I went to the window and peeked through the curtains. As soon as I looked up into the sky, I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit say, "I want to give you a glimpse into My glory". At that moment, I understood that He meant that He wants to give me a glimpse into the divine heavenly realms.