People who tell stories engage us. Leaders who tell us our story move us. We lead people into their greatness when we connect them with their own story – it's a prophetic process – that you can do. People, organizations, corporations, and nations that are great are that way for a reason. They have connected the dots to the reason for their existence. Organizations or people that exist merely for themselves aren't worth leading. Idolatry of self is the biggest "miss" of our age. We all long for purpose – a reason to invest our lives in something bigger than ourselves. The good news is that we each carry a story that God has written in our hearts; it's a storybook that is transformational!
When we live a life that draws its energy and validation from the quality of our ongoing performance it is very likely that we will spend most, if not all of our time, fixing problems instead of creating something original and new. A great example that shows the difference between these two approaches is what Apple did with the Mac. When the time came to create a Mac they didn't set out to improve or make a product that would somehow fix or get rid of the problems that the existing PC laptops in the market had. Instead, they sat down and aimed to create something that would give us an experience that no other PC laptop user ever had.
Scripture teaches us in Isaiah 45:15 that God hides Himself. This means that He does not reveal Himself to casual seekers – truly it is the glory of God to conceal things but the glory of kings to search things out (Proverbs 25:2), hence it is a royal and noble task to plumb the depths of the knowledge and glory of God! Diamonds are usually not found on the surface of the earth – they have to be sought out and dug up out of the earth. If they were easily found they would be common and as worthless and common rock and dirt. So, how does a person find God and to whom does He disclose Himself?
Gideon overcame his fear and inferiority complex. He became the leader of 300 valiant warriors by understanding his enemy's dream. The adversary of Gideon dreamed that a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the Midian camp, and the loaf struck a tent with such force that the tent collapsed. Gideon's enemy revealed the meaning of the dream. The collapse of the tent was "nothing else but the sword of Gideon. Into his hand God has delivered Midian and the whole camp." After hearing this dream and its interpretation, Gideon had the confidence to follow the Lord's instruction.
Get ready to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly. Watch as He brings you out of a time of being hidden. In several encounters with the Lord, I have seen books of Heaven being opened containing strategies and assignments that are being released right now. "I will speak to you in parables. I will explain things hidden since the creation of the world." Matthew 13:35 NLT This is the time when the Lord is opening revelation that was previously sealed. We are going to see major changes start taking place as things that were previously sealed are now being revealed. This is both personal and on greater levels that will impact churches, businesses, cities and even nations
I want you to step back and observe what you are all doing. I want you to even listen to what you have confessed as late. I desire to pour out My glory upon a prepared people who do not allow the distractions of the world and of the traditions of man to come between the communion and fellowship of Me with My chosen ones. Come unto Me with fasting and prayer and seek My face concerning what you are doing at present. If what you are doing is keeping you too busy or tripped up with that of the natural, then what you are doing is not of Me. I desire a people who have the desire that was of Mary who came and knelt at My feet only to be close enough to listen to all I had to say. She could not see how that which Martha was doing could be of any edification to Me.
Focus, focus, focus! You have heard My voice, it's a time of joy. This week I had a dream where I saw the Word of God at a distance before me and I really had to focus hard to see what it said. As I looked closer and focused hard I saw the words "You have heard My voice, it is a time of joy!" and I woke up. As I woke I began to ask the Lord about this dream. Even though this is not an exact verse in Scripture, the Lord used this as a prophetic picture of what many have been walking through.
Recently I was in a meeting in London, England. During the worship I began to smell a burning incense in the room. I thought there must be something burning in the church. After walking around the sanctuary I soon realized it was a supernatural sign and wonder from God. The sanctuary had filled with a burning incense smell, like fire. As I continued to worship, the Lord opened up my spiritual vision to see an angel standing at the altar. He held a bowl in his hand from which proceeded a burning incense. The smell of it filled the whole room. Then the Holy Spirit told me to turn to the book of Revelation. I opened right to Revelation chapter 8. This is what it read:
God wants to open up the well of our spirit so that we can experience the fullness of His Spirit from the inside out. That begins with us connecting with Him, discovering intimacy and allowing His Spirit to make intercession through us. Ezekiel 43:2 "And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory." God's voice is powerful. When God speaks from heaven it shakes the earth with impact and force. If you can imagine the power of God's voice as exemplified in the beginning as He created the heavens and the earth along with everything in it. There is such power in the voice of God. God said, "Let there be light" and there it was as with everything else He spoke into existence.
I looked down as I cooked dinner, and a single ant crawled across my shirt. I smiled because God was reminding me. Over the past few weeks, ants have been everywhere. I'd even be at restaurants with friends and look down to see a line of ants. As soon as I'd point it out, they'd be gone within minutes. I asked, "Lord, what are you saying?" Many times, God reveals truths and messages in the way He has designed creation. Here are a few interesting things about the way He made ants that are applicable in this season.