My prayer for you is that you would receive a "holy hunger" for intimacy with God. I believe God is going to pour out this gift according to your measure of hunger, according to your desperation. Holy hunger goes hand-in-hand with God's desire to help you stir up and awaken your passion for Him. God deserves our love more than anything in this world. He is worthy. Listen, at his very moment, Jesus Christ is preparing a place for use in our Father's house. We're going to be with Him forever (John 14:2,3). Therefore, it's time to make ourselves ready, even as a bride would get ready for her wedding day and her husband-to-be.
I looked up from the book I was reading at the wall in front of me and the shelves flanking my left and right. Thousands and thousands of books surrounded me, innumerable words and ideas. The thought occurred to me, "What do I really have to say?" I gazed down at the book I was holding and remembered the author passed away recently. Contained in the pages were words she decided had to be said, and now I'm left with her story, though her life ended. If this were my last blog post, and this three and a half year streak of weekly writings were to end abruptly, and all that was left were these last words, what would I want you to know?
My emotions used to be very well-hidden, buried under more than 250 pounds of flesh. I never wanted them to raise their ugly heads or be noticeable in public. I just wanted them to stay put and act nice, not get all in a wad where I'd have to deal with them. I've learned, though, that life is messy so we might as well feel it. But that lesson was a long time coming. I have always valued what I know much more than what I feel. Many times though, actually most of the time, my behaviors ruled me. For years, my emotions were partnering with the evil one to end my physical existence on this earth. I was allowing the thief to steal, kill and destroy me (see John 10:10) He really has no authority to do this unless I allow him to, but because he was plying me with sweets, I fell right into his trap.
For as long as human beings have tried to survive in a sinful world, they have asked why. The problem of good and evil is perhaps the biggest of all questions, and when you lose a loved one, it becomes intensely personal. How can you reconcile a good God with the badness of what you're experiencing right now? Theologians and philosophers have wrestled with those questions for millennia, and we won't finish that discussion here. But as you go about asking those questions, there are some useful things to know and do that will help you move toward their resolution.
Have you ever felt like you're good at a lot of different things? Sometimes it may feel like you're interested in too many things. You have probably heard this saying: "A jack of all trades is a master of none..." But many people don't realize that there is a second part to that saying: "… but often times better than a master of one." I like to call people who can wear a lot of hats, or do a lot of different things well, Swiss Army knives. Having a lot of tools in your toolkit can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it's not a weakness — it's a strength! Here's why being a Swiss Army knife doesn't have to be a bad thing.  
I sense the Lord saying, "The older stars in My kingdom are going to shine brighter and do greater exploits than ever before!" I sense there is a special anointing coming upon older men and women in the body of Christ. God is not through using you. Your age is not against you, it is for you. Job 12:12 says, "Wisdom is with the elderly, and understanding comes with long life." You have more wisdom now than ever. With years comes understanding. This anointing is going to cause you to live longer. Many of you have not planned to live long enough. It will be an anointing similar to Caleb when he reached 85 years. He said to the Lord, "I am as strong now as when I was 40, and I want to take another mountain!"
During one of the darkest times in ancient Israel, Midianite invaders began a campaign of terror. Everybody was hiding in caves and mountain strongholds. They had seen the Lord do miracles in the past to deliver Israel, but this time, they lost all faith. But then the angel of the Lord visited a frightened young man named Gideon who was hiding in a winepress. Gideon assumed God had given up on Israel. I'm sure he was shocked when the angel greeted him by saying, "The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor" Judges 6:12b). He thought the angel was talking to the wrong person.
We carry the power of death and life in the words that we say and also there is great value in what we carry in our heart towards another person. Not forgiving another presents to God a person with the stain of sin still upon them not allowing His blood to wash it away. Forgiveness presents to God a person who has a clean slate, no sin, allowing the blood of Christ to wash them clean.
You shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children, your children's children, your flocks and your herds, and all that you have. There I will provide for you, lest you and your household, and all that you have, come to poverty; for there are still five years of famine. Genesis 45:10–11 In the Old Testament story of Joseph, after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he tells them to return to their father and to tell him, "...come down to me, do not tarry. You shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children, your children's children, your flocks and your herds, and all that you have." (Genesis 45:9–10). 
Over the last month, I've been part of a tribe of people moving from children who have entered the Kingdom to sons who inherit and possess their calling spiritually and practically. They have distinct ministry gifts, yet they prosper in businesses or vocations. Moving from God's child to God's son to an inheritance that belongs to you is a natural Kingdom progression of maturity. Right now, we don't just need to bind enemy activity; we are displacing enemy rule by standing up in our calling. The Father is placing sons in positions of influence to bless nations. It's a season in the spirit to volunteer.