What are you going to do when all the wells are stopped up? What are you going to do when all the wells run dry? If you're a well, if you're a source, you don't have to worry about it. You've got to be able to be deep enough that when the wells dry up, when there's no dew, when there's no rain, when there's no fountain, when there's famine in the land, when there's drought—you've got to learn how to be close enough to God. For those that are close enough to Him even in the time of famine, He's got a brook. In the midst of the famine, if you're close enough to God and you know how to be deep with God, He'll bring you to your own brook and He'll feed you.
During the course of my day I heard the same words three times. I know that when things come in three's it is worth listening to. So I will share each one and then talk about it. I was at the library writing and decided to put Youtube on as I find it brings me to a better place when I am reflecting on events I want to write about.
For several years the Lord has been showing me how He is raising up radical Holy Spirit filled believers to bring an outpouring of His Glory to this nation. The past few weeks I have been seeing this coming to pass. There are thousands of millennials who are radical for Jesus, know Him as God, and are pressing in to do great exploits. This remnant is being groomed for a mighty revival. They are ready to be used by God to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leaper and set the captives free. They know how to fight the lions, the bears and behead the giants. They learned through personal experience that big battles require strong warriors. They refuse to stay in neutral gear.
I heard the Lord say, "The enemy has wearied many at every side, attempted to wear them down, but now My strong arm is bringing deliverance and strengthening." The Lord spoke to me this week that the enemy has been coming against many to bring about a weariness and to "wear them down." I heard those words repeating over and over in my spirit "wear them down." It was like a "grinding down," like adding another weight to the load, it was another hit when they are already wounded and it has become harder and harder for many to keep standing.
Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Unfortunately, unbeknownst to many believers today, the enemy has launched malicious disinformation campaigns that have effectively enslaved them for years to low self-esteem, self-hatred, guilt, eating disorders, perversions, inordinate fears, and all kinds of crazy habits and addictions. I want to expose the enemy's lies and to help you see with pristine clarity the enemy's deceptive and manipulative tactics. These lies will collapse like a house of cards the second you see your true identity in Christ.
For those who are looking for an increase of favor and opportunity in the assignments God has given you, focus your attention on the first fruit crop that will open the way for greater harvest and production. Many of you have been given a commission and assignment from heaven and are looking for more connections and opportunities to grow that which has been planted in your heart. However, the Lord is encouraging you to pay more attention to bearing good fruit than on establishing a production platform. It is the first fruit itself that will draw heaven's favor and create a larger platform for growth.
There is a lot to be excited about starting in the month of June. It is the time of Pentecost when God sent the power of the Holy Spirit to Earth in Acts 2. "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." Acts 1:4–5 NIV This originally occurred during the Jewish Feast of Weeks and is celebrated by the Christian Church as Pentecost Sunday. This year these times fall on June 8–10. The Lord told me to expect a powerful time this year.
I couldn't help but notice how beautiful and refreshed this morning felt. I just left the house to go pick up breakfast, and the ground is still wet from the previous night's storm. It's like everything has been washed. It's in the mid-60s, and the sun is shining. I'm feeling happy, and then I remember the headline I read upon waking up earlier: "Two children killed in tornado." It stormed all last night. The evidence was in my front yard. A huge limb had broken free and fallen to the ground. Fortunately, we dodged any damage.
On May 20, 2019, I awakened to a startling dream of people being in a cafeteria in what appeared to be a contemporary hotel. They were getting their food on trays and seating themselves. I was also in line to get some food when I looked out the window of the cafeteria and saw a horrific sight. The windows were halfway covered with sea water and there were people laying on rafts that appeared to be like large dead sea animals resembling whales. The people could not keep their grip on the rafts and kept falling off them and each time they fell off or their arms or legs got in the water they were being eaten by sharks. I was sick to my stomach and tried to find a way to rescue them but as I looked around no one seemed to care as they ate their food and continued to talk and just watch this massacre outside in the water.
Rejection is a lying spirit that draws us into thinking in a way that is contrary to what the Word of God states. Rejection plagues most people and has been built up as a stronghold in many people's lives. It creates disunity in relationships, destroys destinies, and releases bitterness, resentment, and offense. Acknowledging that you are suffering from rejection is the first step in removing this hindrance from your life. Recognizing rejecting thoughts, casting them down, and taking them captive will be instrumental in receiving your deliverance. Second Corinthians 10:5 (NASB) instructs us to "take every thought captive."