As we have prayed recently for multiple people in the natural being affected in the area of word recall, God began to gentle nudge me that this is representing a prayer He has for His whole body. This is a time for word recall! To recall has several definitions according to Oxford, some of which include: bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember; officially order (someone) to return to a place; bring (someone) out of a state of inattention or reverie. These are three things God is doing right now. First, God is bringing to mind or causing us to remember. These words or testimonies or struggles that He’s causing us to remember are not on accident. As you notice things coming to mind again and again, ask God for illumination about what He wants you to recall or learn about HIM in these instances or about the way He works in your life. 
Healing is not an impartation but an activation of the energy-anointing already inside you. Dear friends and ministry partners, I am so thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my thirty-eighth book, HEALING: Energy, The Bible, Science, and You.  In what I truly believe is the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of divine, spiritual healing, I share with the world for the first time a revelation I received years ago concerning how to be healed.  You and I have been called to be agents of healing within this physical realm of earth, and in order to do that demands that we begin to master the power we each possess to heal and to be healed.  This book is not just for the sick in body but is also for every seeker and for every lover of God who desires fresh revelation on the gift of healing.  This is a book that I highly recommend. 
The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to believe in yourself. While this may seem elementary, many find it nearly impossible to believe in their own ability to achieve. Of course, this is a self-image, which has been created over time. Very often, it is created due to failure, disappointments, and hurts. Many just seem to find it extremely difficult to let go of the past. They are dragging their past around like a huge weight chained to their ankle. Their past slows them down and immobilizes them by a self-image of doubt instead of faith. Without faith, no one can cultivate a life of joy and self-fulfillment. 
We all have life stories to share, as well as the scars to go with them. And this is precisely what Jesus and I have been talking about over the past two weeks. While I had no intention of writing anything about it, I feel He wants me to speak to this; so I am. Let me begin by saying this is no light subject matter to Him, or me. The scars and stories of people hold a deep place in the heart of Jesus. In 2016 I wrote a blog post entitled, "Scars and Stories." I felt His presence so strongly during that writing process and knew He wanted me to draw from the place of my story and scars as well as His own. In other words, it was from a joining of our scars and stories that I wrote it.
Working with people (especially Christians), I see that these two extreme types of identity deceptions are prevalent. I see them both very often. The depraved sinner who is hyper-focused on their shortcomings, failures, mistakes, and faults. They're all to eager to tell you what a sinner they are and how they sin everyday and will never get it right. The person who is completely in denial that they have serious sometimes these issues go way beyond sin cycles and they are deeply troubled, have dangerously addictive behaviors, and some that are even emotionally, spiritually, and even verbally abusive to the people in their life.
Every one of us is able to recall a time when we experienced a life-transforming encounter with Jesus. We could never forget that place of the overwhelming presence of His glory. I believe that some of us are going to experience extraordinary "face to face" encounters with Jesus in the days ahead. Several years ago I had a dream. In this dream I began walking down a long corridor. There were doors on each side of the hallway. I opened one door to the room on my right and it was a hospital room. I then continued walking and opened a door on my left that appeared to be a guest room.
"So the Lord said to Moses: 'See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh…'" (Exodus 7:1) In this article we will examine more thoroughly what God has in store for us if we choose to fully live out the Great Commission. You will come to understand the differences between healings, miracles, signs and wonders and will grow in faith to see their operation in your life. I believe if we can have a revelation of God as creator, then we can have faith to believe for creative miracles and to minister them. When we see the creative nature of the Holy Spirit and His creative power in us, we will say creative miracles are easy. The gospel is salvation, healing and deliverance to the body, soul and spirit.
I'm grateful for my friend Quentin Beard, who pastors one of the fastest growing churches in South Dakota, Sioux Falls First Assembly. Because Quentin wants his congregation to experience the Holy Spirit, he scheduled a special weekend of meetings so that people could be baptized in the Holy Spirit, get healing prayer and receive personal prophetic ministry. The day before the event, I asked Quentin if we could have a larger-than-normal bottle of oil on the altar near the stage.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, "In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay." Hebrews 10:36–37 NIV The Lord said, "Your time of waiting is now coming to an end. You have been in a time that has required nearly all that you have to persevere through the storms that have been coming against you. I am coming to you, and I am not going to delay the answers to your prayers any longer. Your Book of Purpose is now opening, and you are going to get deeper understanding into what is ahead. There will be no more delays starting in May!"
I looked over at the large truck I was passing to my right. Stacked in the trailer behind it were wrecked cars headed to a junk yard. On the rear windshield of the last one was "JUST MARRIED!" I can just imagine the thought now, "Well, that didn't go according to plan," as the new husband looks up at the smashed hood of the car. His wife looks over, concerned and frustrated. "Are we going to miss our flight?" Life often doesn't always go as we imagine it in our minds. We dream up all sorts of stories about how things should be and find ourselves crushed when the proverbial car of our life is being towed to the salvage lot.