There is an invitation being issued from heaven to those who are pursuing the tangible evidence of God's kingdom at work on the earth. The Holy Spirit is exhorting the church to come up higher, not just in prayer, but in practical application of the principles we hold dear. This invitation especially goes out to leaders who are being called up higher in their role of demonstrating the realities of sonship and kingdom authority. Through a series of dreams in recent months, the Lord has highlighted several ways in which we as believers can partner with heaven in the fulfillment of God's plan in this kingdom age. His desire is to release the fullness of heaven's presence, power and reign to a world walking in darkness.
"Then Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died; and she was left, and her two sons. Now they took wives of the women of Moab: the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth. And they dwelt there about ten years. Then both Mahlon and Chilion also died; so the woman survived her two sons and her husband." Ruth 1:3-5 Naomi's life was going well. A great husband. Two fine sons who had two wonderful wives. Then the unthinkable happened. Her husband died. A little time later both her sons die. Her and her daughter-in-laws find themselves in the midst of shattered dreams. This isn't how life was supposed to be.
This is the year of the Lord's favor for you. No matter when you read or listen to this message, you can receive this prophetic word from the Lord because He is outside of the confines of time and space.  And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry… Luke 3:21–23 NIV  I heard the Lord say that He is moving right now to bring about chapters 3 and 4 of the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus was baptized and received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. 
In the back of the used book was a note with the words "CT scan, suite 210." I can't help but imagine what was happening in the life of the person who held these pages before me. Was this forgotten bookmark an indication of a battle I know nothing about? For you non-medical folks like myself, a CT scan is used to create detailed images of structures in the body. From damaged bones to extreme cancers, the CT scan is how we see what's going on inside. Was this person potentially finding out life-changing news? Had they been diagnosed with something that would challenge everything within them? I can only imagine, but given the context of the book I bought, I do wonder...
Looking Back at What We Achieved in the 2018 Year of the Door and Wilderness Wanderings of 5778. 2018/ 5778 was the year of God's great grace and favor that brought us into complete freedom with His mighty atoning hand resting on us. The number 18 means bondage, so there was a need for an impartation of power and wisdom to overcome the enemy to obtain our established blessings and gain righteous judgments. God's presence inspired abundance that sprang up in our lives so that we sang a new song of joy and deliverance. God prepared His Bride to walk with Him in complete wholeness being full of spiritual perfection.
Local churches have many good qualities and purpose, some people just love them while others have come to see some faults and reject them.  I have met a lot of Christians who take great pride in going to church and even being a member.  Many of them attack other believers for not attending a church service on a regular basis. They are very zealous for the church and discount the many blows some have received from local churches.  I have also met a lot of lone rangers as church folk like to call them.  These are people that have been burned by the local assembly of believers, brothers and sisters who don't take much stock in organized religion anymore.  
As we prepare for this next year, God is laying the land survey before us of what we possess. Around town I have noticed multiple surveyors out with their tools taking surveys of land. Even this last week in a meeting God put me in front of a land survey. It was then I realized all a survey does. God is showing us the value of what we have and what places are best utilized. He's showing us what places are vulnerable. He's showing us what places need to be brought up or taken down. He is doing all of this BEFORE building the next thing in our lives. He's showing us what we could not see simply by looking with our own eyes. The details and precision in a survey could never be detected by untrained eyes just looking. We are being given our Father's eyes, not only to see what is there but to see what is possible. 
For two days I've been thinking about this verse, or rather this phrase by Paul: "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Ephesians 3:8 KJV). The unsearchable, unending, boundless, and fathomless riches of Christ. This is truly the beauty of mystery. I love the word "mystery," it means secret. It implies that we get the honor to search the heart of God for revelation. This verse and these thoughts are truly making me hunger for more. "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter" (Proverbs 25:2 KJV).
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."(Amos 3:7 KJV) Does GOD do everything for us?  What role, exactly, do we have to play within the process of ushering in the miraculous?  Throughout the entirety of the scriptures, not once do we find an account in which the miraculous manifested without first requiring a step of faith in some way.  From the account of the healing of the blind man to the raising of the daughter of Jairus and even to the command to roll away the stone before Lazarus was resurrected, we see, time and time again, that the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven exists as a realm which is activated through partnership and willing, conscientious partnership.  Heaven has always demanded our active participation in all matters.  
I know in my spirit that encounters are so close for many people, it will be the "outpouring" and "revival" that so many are looking for. But honestly, are we prepared? I don't say this to newbies as much as I say it to the saints who have known Him for a while. I am so excited about the coming move and you can hear many of the older ones in the Lord saying they sense it and that it is "at the doors." They "feel" it in their bones! There is a resonance, a "feeling" of it, just like you know it's autumn or spring because the temperatures are changing. You feel it in "the air." The atmosphere is changing. Now when men and women start addressing the wicked ways of the people, that is one clue. But they will not be trying to scathe the people as much as they want them to get right for the sake of all the benefits.