Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone … They will pass through the sea of trouble; the surging sea will be subdued and all the depths of the Nile will dry up … Zechariah 10:1, 11 NIV The Lord is going to bring spiritual refreshment like that of the spring rains. This is preparation for the coming year, in which God is releasing the long-awaited fulfillment of the promises you have been holding on to. For many, though, this time of preparation has been too painful and not refreshing. While the rains and storms of life are necessary to prepare and strengthen you, they can sometimes turn into a sea of trouble.
Revelation 22:17 "And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely." As believers we are married to Jesus. With that marriage He gives us the wedding ring that we need to wear -using the authority that we've been given through our oneness with Him. Our intimacy with God gives us power, awakening us to the authority that we've been given. By digging deeper in prayer, intercession and worship we discover or even rediscover a greater authority over the enemy.
I remember the first time I prayed for something that wasn't answered. I was four years old. I saw a green Power Ranger watch at the mall. In my mind, there was nothing I needed more. As I went to sleep that night I closed my eyes and prayed it would be under my pillow the next morning, in true tooth fairy fashion. I don't recall the exact case I made before God, but I felt strongly enough to remember this twenty-five years later. It's no surprise the watch was not under my pillow the next morning. It's a good thing I didn't express to my parents how badly I wanted it. A moment of generosity on their part might have reinforced some strange notions about prayer at that point in my development.
The Spirit of the Living God is speaking these words: "The Father's heart is set on recovery. So what more shall I say then about these truths and mysteries that are being revealed?" I say let there be light over them! Let the light of Christ illuminate the truths and mysteries We (Father, Son, and Spirit) desire to be made known; for there are many. Just as I spoke in the first word regarding this, so I will say it again – many of these truths and mysteries hold solutions and remedies that are needed for this time; they will help many people.
In Song of Solomon 4:1, it says, "You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead." The eyes of doves are unique. A dove has singleness of vision, which means it can't look to the left or the right. A mule must wear blinders because it's distracted by everything, but a dove looks straight ahead. When the bridegroom said to the bride, "You have dove eyes," he was saying, "You look right at me with a singleness of heart. You're not distracted by what's happening on the left or the right. You have a deep desire for me that I deeply appreciate. You have dove eyes."
I was in worship and I heard the Lord say, "An atmospheric shift is being released." We are in a time and season of suddenlies. God is opening the heavens for a big release and increase in this season and the next three months. Things that were operating one way are now going to shift in your favor. The Lord is releasing a healing anointing upon this land. Where sickness and disease plagued and bogged down Christians, He is releasing His healing power. As they declare out against their spirit of infirmity they are going to experience supernatural miracles begin to manifest in their bodies.
Storms in life...there seem to be too many, and so we ask to understand, why are there storms? I hope to write a few thoughts about OVERCOMING IN THE WORST KINDS OF STORMS. I know what it is like. Devastation and loss. In Guam we experienced many, many super CAT 5 typhoons with great loss particularly to our Church. The Lord sends His word to those who may be hurting right now -- may the vision of God beat in your heart today. You've heard it before but let it become reality at this moment. Surely, you "Can do all things through Christ which strengthens you" (Phil. 4:13).
When hard times happen, we may wonder where God is through it all. We can fall into focusing on the pain of our struggle and believing we are alone. Regardless of how we may feel, God never leaves our side. He still speaks to us even when we're at the lowest point of our lives. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV God knows how to encourage us when we feel down and out. But we can be so focused on our difficulty that we can't hear Him clearly. Here are some steps you can take to unclog the spiritual atmosphere around you, so you can start hearing God for your situation and get moving in the right direction!
We are not in familiar times anymore. The schemes of the enemy to bring about his filth have been uncovered and they are at the finish line. The end of the age is alarmingly near. Now is the time for the church to stand up and take ground. A lethargic spirit has held back the church in recent years, yes the last 13 years. It started slowly and grew more and more prevalent as the years went by. A body-wide hope that a great awakening was going to arrive in 2005 was put on pause by the Lord because the church had not yet been dressed with the new wine skin.
Recognizing the favor of God sometimes is key to your inheritance. The land you dwell in is not always the place of your favor. When you are in the place of your favor, you can be in your place of inheritance! "The LORD had said to Abram, 'Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you'" (Genesis 12:1). The favor of God is key in our lives to advancing and prosperity. The ministry, gifts, and anointing or talents can be recognized as a measure of grace and favor; however, favor is the key to success and fruitfulness. Much activity does not always mean favor. It is possible to have all the gifts and talents and not be in the favor of God.