There are moments where life in general is going extremely well. Everything appears to be falling into place; everyone's in good health; we have great jobs; the right doors are opening; and there is a roof over our heads to rest at night. It's during these times that we celebrate and reflect on the goodness of the Lord. For me personally, I have recently watched some things unfold that I have been waiting to come to pass for decades, right before my eyes. It is in these good times that we pause and remember those who are going through extremely bad times.
In Genesis 1:27, it says: So God created humankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. Now, in the original Hebrew, the word "image" is translated from the word (tselem); which is literally a "shadow;" an outline or representation of the original. What most of us take from this is a literal "image" -- or that we look like God. However, I don't think that is what God meant at all. Consider for a moment that God put a piece of Himself in each of us. In the Hebrews vernacular, it is not the appearance of something that they concentrate on, but its function.
We are able to access the eternal spiritual realm through the Holy Spirit who connects us to Jesus. He is the living Word of God. Jesus Christ is the only God-given door that we enter into through prayer, meditation, praise and worship, dreams and vision. Jesus was raised from the slumber of death, becoming the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep or died. We know that death entered the world through the physical body of Adam when he sinned, so it took the spiritual body of the perfect man Jesus, to make the resurrection of the dead a reality for us.
I will not be dismayed. I will not be afraid, for the Lord my God is with me. No matter what the report says, no matter what manifests upon my body, I believe in the healing report of my Lord. And by His healing stripes, my body is healed and made whole. I pick up my shield of faith, and the fiery darts of the enemy will not harm me. I sharpen my sword of the Spirit, and I declare only the report of the Lord. I will no longer utter man's report that is full of death and suffering. My feet are firmly planted in the Word of God, and no storm of the enemy will wash me away from this earth.
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there" (Psalms 139:7-8, NKJV). He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him"  (John 14:21). We know that God is an abiding presence everywhere at the same time. No matter where we are on Earth, He is there! We cannot hide from His presence. Whether we recognize Him or not, He is always there. It is comforting to know that He stands right beside us.
Have you ever wondered why you sometimes make the wrong decisions? How you can increase your emotional intelligence so you can make the right decisions? I discovered the shocking truth about how our brains make decisions recently. If you don't know this, you will always be at the mercy of your old, negative mental programming. However, once you practice this truth, you will increase your emotional intelligence every day. You can then declare your independence from destructive habits. Let me explain how this works from an example with which most of us are familiar.
I clearly heard the word, "BRACE!" It really got my attention. Initially, I thought it was for one particular apostle couple. But, I continue to repeatedly hear this word BRACE and am therefore sending this out for wider discernment. I do not understand the fullness of this, but it is the Lord, (and I do not say that lightly)! BRACE = MAKE A STRUCTURE STRONGER WITH SUPPORTS.
Over the last 8 years I have written quite a bit. Obviously like everything in life I have progressed over time the more I have written. These days it's easier to find ways of communicating what is in my heart, but if I am brutally honest I still struggle with the thought of not being as relevant and convincing as other authors are out there. Only the other day as I was meditating on this feeling I felt God whisper into my heart "Pablo keep it simple as it is not your relevance or ability that produces the results. That part is for me to take care of." I must admit that this took me by surprise as clearly coming from a background of high performance sports I am all for honing our skills on our way to mastering our craft. Yet with God, even though hard work and progress is good, it nevertheless appears to be the other way around.
This is an exciting week that is going to be a turning point for many people! Forty (40) weeks ago God opened your Book of Life and now it is going to be birthed this week! The Jewish holiday, Hoshana Rabbah, is the time when God reveals your Book of Life for the coming year. We are no longer under Moses' law, but God still operates on the Jewish calendar when it comes to releasing your destiny. During the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, the Lord begins to examine our lives. Just over a week later, our destiny for the coming new year gets sealed on Yom Kippur. Then at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles, on Hoshana Rabbah, our Book of Life is opened and our calling and destiny for the coming year is revealed. For the year we are currently in, this occurred on October 11, 2017.
Something hurtful has happened to you, and you feel like you are all alone. Perhaps you are being attacked with sickness and disease and lack the physical strength to be with people. Maybe you lost a loved one and are struggling to heal from the real pain of grief. Or you may have been betrayed by a spouse or close friend. There are many reasons why we can feel all alone at times, and it is difficult to pick up the broken pieces and move forward again. If this is where you are at in life right now, I encourage you to spend time with the Lord every day, and meditate upon the following Scriptures and allow the healing process to begin.