For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17 A thorough study of Scripture reveals that judgment, at least where the believer is concerned, is for the purpose of redemption and reconciliation rather than condemnation. Judgment exposes that which stands in the way of our becoming like God (which entails possessing His character, enabling us to be fully equipped for ministry). Often, this exposure is brought about by rather intense and severe tests and trials in our lives.
When some people think of God's justice, they envision a stern or even angry judge wielding a gavel or causing bad things to happen to people as a form of punishment. This couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, God is the God of love AND justice. When we see bad things happen, it is not from the Lord. It is Satan causing it, but people often blame God.
Many are in a time now where they are on the THRESHING FLOOR. Feeling painful waves of refinement separating the pure from the chaff. It may feel like blow after blow in the natural, but let me share what God also says about the threshing floor. During the threshing process the ears of the grain are literally torn from the stalks and they are loosened from the outer part of grain. This can feel like shaking, that all you know is being shaken in the natural.
We live in a global society. There are millions of products at our fingertips everyday. Just go to your browser and type in any product, and you will receive way more pages than you could ever scroll through. It is overwhelming. Our global society demands options. We believe we can find the exact, perfect item if we can have just enough choices. But there are so many items to choose from it's nearly impossible to make a choice. We become paralyzed drowning in a sea of options. We think multiple options give us the freedom to choose, but it actually hinders us from making a choice.
‹Is the party over? I saw the empty boxes piled sky high at the recycling bin by the grocery store yesterday. In some ways it can be a relief that all the pressures of the expectations from others for the holidays are over. But the stores are preparing - I saw Valentines Day supplies and St. Patrick supplies and even gardening seeds out for sale! Yes, the stores will keep the pressures on for the "expectations." To the point, that it's not about choice for what you want to do, but the idol worship of following the craze. If you are feeling a big relief, do a self-check on that. I have. And when I shot down the unrealistic expectations, I felt so much better! And I have gotten better at it over the years.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7, NLT There is a story of a young man who struggled to make ends meet. One day, he got six pieces of white cardboard paper and wrote down these six letters: "L-E-T G-O-D." This was to remind him to stop worrying and striving to provide for himself and his family, and to let God take over. He placed the cards upright on his dressing table so that he would be reminded each day to let God provide for him.
This is a time that your spiritual inheritance, which is the calling you have had from God, is now going to come. Those who have been seeking the greater callings upon their lives are going to suddenly be awakened to them. The Wind of Change is blowing on all areas of our lives. This is why we are seeing so many injustices being revealed right now. The books are being balanced in Heaven and God is repaying not just losses, but also injustices that have come against you. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants." Matthew 18:23 NIV
A few weeks ago while praying, I saw a vision of what looked like Birth Announcement Cards being released in the earth from heaven. I heard these words in my spirit, "There is a breaking forth and a birthing into occurring in the earth." On these cards were words written, and the words seemed as though they carried life in them. As I read the words on the cards my spirit immediately knew these were "prophetic announcements" being released and established in the earth. I saw mandates and mantles, assignments and callings, gifts, words of healing and deliverance, positions and placements, as an angelic host reinforced what was written and released on these cards. In my spirit I heard, "I am making ROOM for your WOMB to deliver what I have deposited on the inside of you for My glory!"
Asking the right questions get the right answers. As we ponder the things we wonder about to get clarity, its helpful to look within. The Lord will write it upon your heart before you need to know it. He will speak and progressively move you in the direction of what He has written. It's His plan and He's never negligent. So, as you are moving forward and processing what He's speaking to you, look within and listen. "The human spirit is the lamp of the LORD that sheds light on one's inmost being." Proverbs 20:27, NIV
"The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels." (Matthew 13:37-39) I had a dream and I saw awakening. There is an angel assigned to AWAKEN a new season of harvest and revival in America. The mantle for stadiums and the open fields is here. The Holy Spirit whispered that it is time for the mass stadium power evangelism anointing to be released to the next generation. God is now releasing the angels that gather and reap the harvest. These same angels remove every hindrance and obstacle to the harvest. One aspect of the angels' roles, as we see in Hebrews 1:14 is to minister to those who will inherit salvation. In other words, angels are directly involved in the harvest.