A well-known prophet once said, "When you realize who you are in Christ, you will realize that you are behaving below your nature and living short of your potential." In the book of Genesis God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
Prophetic writing indicates that God has placed a burden upon a person to write something. It does not mean the person is a GOOD writer. Training is often still required to perfect the skill. Writing "prophetically" does not mean leave your writing as it is. This is a HUGE misconception among prophetic people. Even "the prophetic" must be filtered through one's mind, perceptions, presuppositions, etc. EVERYTHING must be tempered in love, and sometimes that means "writing" without attitude but fully keeping the message clear.
You are not waiting on heaven. Heaven and all it contains has already come to you. Jesus announced, "Keep turning away from your sins and come back to God, for heaven's kingdom realm is now accessible" (Matthew 4:17, TPT). At another time, Jesus said, "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you" (Matthew 12:28, MEV). One other time, Jesus even told some Jewish religious leaders, "The kingdom is not discovered in one place or another, for the kingdom realm of God is already expanding within some of you" (Luke 17:21, TPT).
Most of us think of our Father God as resting since creation and our challenge is to find our identity in the finished work of the cross so that life flows toward us in a miraculous way without exerting a lot of "self" effort. I want to suggest it's flawed theology… that our Father is working right now and, like Jesus, we can too. My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working." John 5:17 NIV Playing a role in the Kingdom has an amazing feature. We find the presence of God in our mountain and in our work. The spiritual backdrop is that we abide in Him with prayer, fasting, listening to His voice, waiting for the stirring of the waters, flowing with His spirit, and co-laboring with whatever the Father is doing.
Intercession is the spiritual engine of our lives that enables God to do what He, in most cases, will not do without it. Our intercession bridges the gap between heaven and earth to allow the manifestation of God's Kingdom in our present time. The Lord calls us to the place of intercession continually. It is not something He turns off and on. Romans 8:34 "It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us." It is a matter of tapping into the reality that Jesus is continually engaged in this intercession for His people. He ever lives to intercede for us, the saints. If we want to get close to the heart of God then we have to embrace a life of intercession.
Recently the Lord spoke to me that many have had "falsities" falling upon their ears. FALSITIES: the fact of being untrue, incorrect. SYNONYMNS: Untruthfulness, untruth, fallaciousness, falseness, falsehood, fictitiousness, inaccuracy, mendacity, fabrication, dishonest and deceit. (Google.com) The enemy is sending these FALSITIES upon many ears right now because we are being invited into a new realm of hearing from God. Fire is falling upon senses of God's people awakening them to greater ways of hearing from God.
In repentance and perseverance you shall overcome. When you delight yourself in Me, even in the secret place, you enable Me to wrap My arms around you to envelope you with My love and enable My streams of living water to flow through you cleansing anything that is not of Me out of your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. This is the day I am washing clean My bride and purging to the surface all that is not of Me and I am skimming it off. I am enabling you to see how I would see during certain situations that you face. You say what would Jesus do and I will show you how I feel and how I would want you to think about things you face each day concerning people, trials and tribulations.
The book of John has some of the most extraordinary words that Jesus has ever spoken. In John chapter fourteen, Jesus was comforting His disciples before His departure to the father. He told them that He would not leave them alone, but He would send the Holy Spirit to be with them. They didn't comprehend what He was saying, because they did not yet understand His resurrection. They asked Him to show them the way to the father and Jesus replied, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
When I looked I saw a Majestic Monarch Butterfly resting on a scaffolding plank, it was resting from the recent downpour of rain and waving its decorative wings in the pleasant and warming sunshine after the rain showers. The magnificent Monarch Butterfly was brilliant to behold, with its bright orange and black colorings dazzling in the sunlight and it was only a few feet from where I was standing, so it caught my full attention as a sign. I knew this was a symbolic moment, which inspired me to interpret my impressions from this significant event.
The Lord has been speaking to me personally here of late, about His signs and wonders beginning to manifest at more of an acceleration than what has been the norm for most of us. In the past, I experienced a season of oil manifesting on the soles of my feet during times of worship. I've experienced gold and ruby dust upon the palms of my hands, as well as my arms and legs. I've had fillings in my teeth turn to gold. I've had a feather appear on two different occasions, and have seen and heard angels talking & singing.