Have you ever wondered why the Father said over Jesus "This is my son in whom I am well pleased?" As I consider these affirming words I also realize interestingly enough that up until then Jesus the man had not done anything whatsoever of significance according to the standards of the world. His life had been lived in complete obscurity serving alongside Joseph in the family's "handyman" business. No special awards had been awarded to Him. No position of significance had been attained and no resume could have been submitted. His was just a normal life of daily routine like the rest of us, yet God was still very well pleased with him.
I've been writing a few new books that will be out in the next few months. As I've been praying and really pressing in, I felt it was important to especially remind the Seers (prophets, visionaries, dreamers) to man their appointed posts. God has given you divine insight to the heavenly realms, and you being in your position (post) is so critical to receive the insight He wants to say and show you.
Did you know there is a much deeper level of worship than what we can do? Admittedly, in response to the Holy Spirit our actions of praying, praising, listening, loving and obeying are part of worship. And there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a much deeper level of worship, one in which we are unable to express ourselves verbally or non-verbally—where we are utterly passive. The highest and most intensive worship takes place when we can do nothing but be amazed, when we are rendered helpless and speechless with wonder and gratitude, when we just sit back and watch God work. This is what Isaiah is talking about when he says, "For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: 'In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength'" (Isaiah 30:15).
Many years ago, before I even had a relationship with God, my aunt said to me that I would one day be a trailblazer and that I would do great things for God. She had no grounds for that word of prophecy, based on what she could see with her physical eyes. In the natural, I was on a slippery slope of destructive behavior. Tangled up in addiction, drugs, and promiscuity, there was no indicator (in the natural) that I would ever be able to get free and fulfill that thing she had spoken over me.
A spirit of unity will cause believers to navigate to form one lane that is an upgrade to a team spirit. There is a kingdom convergence onto the Highway of Holiness as God is raising the standard. "Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say to those with anxious heart, 'Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; the recompense of God will come, but He will save you.' Then the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped." Isaiah 35:3–5 God works through relational encounters to give us personal spiritual encounters. Let's seek to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and spirit and relate to each other in Love!
As a visionary person, it's easy to feel isolated. You can be among others of similar or same gifting but differ in how it manifests in and through you. Others may not see what you see or understand what you envision. You'll discover who is who in your walk with some discussion. Though some may understand, they may not walk with you. Your passions may be different then theirs. They also may not be stirred and connect with your passions. That's a good indication that though they walk with you, they may not be able to walk closely with your passion. Learn what you can from them but also find others who understand you and are able to help you develop as a visionary.
I woke up from a dream hearing many voices crying out these words, "God, don't let me down." They repeated this desperate cry over and over. I asked the Lord why so many felt as though He might let them down? His answer came in a scripture. "In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." Ephesians 6:16
I was contemplating the thought of what it must be like to dream with God so I figured, why think about it? I'll just ask Him. "Lord," I said, "What is dreaming with you like?" He replied, "Amy, dreaming with Me is a practice of becoming who you are. All My children are dreamers. Many just don't know it or have not allowed themselves to dream anymore.  They were told it was foolish to dream; that it wasn't reality. They were told it wasn't possible, it wasn't practical and that they should look for something possible and practical to occupy in life." God continued, "How can My children believe in me when it is for something they can merely accomplish on their own? "
I had a dream last night of going to a house being built inside of a house. Really it seemed more like a pavilion at the time, but many things were gathered and you could tell a lot of thought had gone into it its construction. I was impressed by some of the things I saw that they had gathered. But the house was inside of the house and the world was outside. I got the impression that the people that would be drawn there would be drawn there from the other house that was over it. I just knew that there was sunshine outside, but that it was also a dangerous place. People needed shelter from the storms and attacks.
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19) I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that in this season I am giving you a double new beginning!  He is giving you a new beginning in your relationships. He is giving you a new beginning in your marriage. He is giving you a new beginning in your ministry.