A new identity emerges as we see as God sees and obediently embrace a new larger vision. A godly identity and vision comes with a promise and provision. God will provide the creative ideas that will form the provisions to finance your new identity to not only bless you but those in your sphere of influence. Vision always comes with provision for prosperity to increase your sphere of influence. "Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine." Proverbs 3:9–10. These are the Best of Times for the Kingdom of Light and the Worst of Times for the sinful kingdom of darkness!
Jesus and His disciples are in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. The wind and waves are about to take them out. The disciples are in a panic. Jesus stands up and with a word calms the storm. And then He has the audacity to say to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?" (Mark 4:40). "Why were you afraid?" We were about to be dead! Didn't you see? No wonder the disciples were astonished. You may be in the same place now. Circumstances and your own mind make it seem as though fear and worry is the only option. You pray, but your head is still afraid and anxious after you pray.
The Lord is searching for a true and earnest friend, one that will keep Him company in the night and identify with the very heart and feelings of the sweet Master. Give me a few minutes to explain as this article could change your devotional life forever! I promise you that! "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death." (Philippians 3:10) "Rejoice... inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings..." (I Peter 4:13) What does it mean when Scripture uses the term: the fellowship of His sufferings? Is it just going through persecution as we suffer with the Lord? That's part of it, but it is also saying, "Lord, what's on your heart right now?"
I think we all have default modes we go to when we are tired, bored, angry, or hurt. I remember a time in my life when I intentionally tried to do whatever the opposite of my first inclination was, even with unimportant, simple things. Once it was raining when I pulled up at my apartment, so instead of running in I stood there and got soaked. You don't realize how relaxing an outdoor shower is until you aren't running to escape it or complaining about getting wet.
Many prophetic voices have been prophesying for a long time that God is doing something completely new. The truth of Isaiah 43:19 has been booming loudly in the spirit: "Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert." I have been feeling a significant urgency in the spirit recently, I can hear an alarm sounding in the spirit but it's not an alarm that sounds emergency and is negative. This alarm is sounding urgency, expectancy and a call to position.
Watch for the next 50 days to be full of a lot of changes. Between now and the end of Rosh Hashanah (September 21–22), which is the Jewish New Year, God is aligning you for what is coming in the new year. You will see situations and circumstances suddenly turn around in unusual and unexpected ways. The spiritual atmosphere is changing and what was once difficult will become easier. I heard the Lord say, "What looks like a loss will become your gain. Be sure to wait and watch as new doors and opportunities begin to open for you." Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 NIV
I was listening a short while ago at an Evangelist share the Gospel according to his perspective. He spoke for a while and towards the end of his time he started to share about this movie that God is going to show to everyone. He spoke how everyone would get to see all the bad things we did both in public and in private. I must admit that as I listened to him I felt a blanket of shame attempt to cover the whole of my being. So strong was the feeling that it made me shift my position on my seat. As I turned off the TV I began to contemplate what I had just heard. I began to recall how I once long ago subscribed to this very heavenly movie theatre experience and perspective. Yet today what I once vociferously supported, didn't quite sit the right way within me.
I see the Spirit of God moving through the arts in a wholly new, unique way. Painters, sketchers, graphic designers, potters, videographers, filmmakers, photographers, poets, writers (including songwriters), musicians, singers, dancers, and even DJ's – get ready to express the Father's heart in the new ways He's going to show you. Say what you will, but I am also getting that He is going to move through chefs, cooks, bakers, and baristas; clothing and jewelry designers; and also graffiti artists (that's specifically what I heard Him say).
Some traumas are so disrupting that even the strongest person would find it difficult to cope. Life can be difficult, for you and for me. Bad things happen. Your mind, body and soul cannot be completely closed to hurtful things that happen around you or to you. To some degree you are vulnerable, and when you're vulnerable, you're going to get hurt. Sometimes those wounds are temporary. It's as if your soul gets a cold. It hurts somewhat, but with a little time, things heal, and you go on with your life. At other times, the wounds are deep. Some traumas are so disrupting that even the strongest person would find it difficult to cope.
Salome is depicted by Christian traditions as an icon of dangerous female temptresses. She is famous for what was considered an erotic dance that no man could resist, the "Dance of the Seven Veils." Who was she? Why did she dance for John the Baptist? What really happened? Sometimes, the Bible stories can be difficult to understand unless we consider the culture that radically differs from ours. Background historical information can help us get a more clear picture. The story can be confusing because there were a few different Herods. First, there was the madman, Herod the Great, who strangled his wife and murdered two of his sons. Herod married 10 wives in all. He was the one who had all the baby boys of Bethlehem put to death.