You are crossing over. I believe that with every fiber of my being. You are in the midst of transition and MAJOR changes. I feel this as a corporate word over the Body of Christ, and I realize there are people out there that this won't apply to. If this doesn't apply to you, then that's ok but I feel this word burning in my bones.
I woke up at 1:01am this morning. I have been having many visions recently, and the vision has been becoming more clear over the past several days. As of this morning, I believe I fully understand what the Spirit of the Lord has been speaking to me. He is saying, "Come, come unto Me. Come up here." In these visions, I keep seeing scrolls, chariots of fire, and the living creatures. I find myself still undone by visions of the Seraphim angel, who in Isaiah 6 took the coal, cleaned Isaiah's lips, and set his heart ablaze for the commission (referred to as the "burning ones" in Isaiah 6:1-7).
I had an encounter with the Lord on Father's Day (June 18, 2017) in which God said that He is now releasing greater revelation and details about your eternal purpose and destiny. This is going to start in the month of July and He is going to show you hidden things that have been holding you back in the past. On Father's Day, God said that He is going to reveal Himself to you as a father does to a son or daughter. I will reveal the eternal purpose of God. For he has decreed over Me, "You are my favored Son. And as your Father I have crowned You as My King Eternal. Today I have given you glory! You only need to ask Me to give You the nations and they shall become Your legacy. Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth." Psalm 2:7–8 TPT
Abram's descendant Jacob experienced a desert sleep, which allowed him to see a heavenly stairway that joined the gateway of heaven to an entrance point on earth. The Lord's angelic messengers were ascending and descending upon the ladder delivering the Lord's prophetic declarations and visions to Jacob as he slept.
The prophetic is discerned when it's applied. Revelation from God is truly understood when we respond to it and do something with it. Respecting or fearing God enough to put our revelation to work is simply wisdom. Revelation is the idea, wisdom is the resulting initiative – how we interpret the application it in our vocation and mountain.
Let's define the term: Prophetic Centrist – Courageous exploits, abundant fruit and sound cash flow instead of fringe doctrine, strained revelation and leaps of faith (when wisdom and revelation are balanced).
The final push in childbirth is always one of the most difficult because the birthing mother has come to the point of exhaustion and oftentimes struggling with the false perspective that this laborious process is never going to come to an end. That final push takes every bit of strength the mother has, to push that newborn from the hiddenness of within the womb into the natural world of being seen, felt and heard. More often than not, at the onslaught of the final push, the mother feels as if this is an impossible task.
Things are really starting to pick up in the spirit. I can hear the sounds of horses as they are getting ready to be released from a starting gate. The hooves dancing in place ready to run, their breath hot and heavy with excitement. There is a sense of urgency & anticipation to be released. You have been preparing for this for a very long time. You have been in training for years.
There is a gas station I stop at periodically on my way home where a very angry man works. I'll refer to him as Angry Ninja because in conversation he once told me he practices martial arts. Angry Ninja towers over me and is always wearing a hip, knit beanie. If you walked in right now he would tell you his grievances with little introduction. You've met these people before. They're always prepared, ready to unpack today's dose of "everything sucks" at the first opportunity. Always something different, always negative.
Once upon a time I would to go to prophetic conferences and wish that the "big anointed" preacher would notice me and call me out for a prophetic word from God that would somehow show everyone there exactly how special and anointed that I was. That was supposed to confirm what I already felt on the inside and give me a little more respect in my life from the people around me.
Then he asked me, "Son of man, can these bones become living people again?" "O Sovereign Lord," I replied, "you alone know the answer to that." (Ezekiel 37:3 NLT) Did you know that God is in every area of creation, even in those things that appear lifeless and dead? Just as a physician uses CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to breathe new life into patients in cardiac arrest, God is always standing by, ready to breathe new life into anything lifeless when we ask. He is there in our spiritual springtime and in the cold, winter months. And He is even closer, hovering nearby in our darkest hours, according to Psalm 34:18 where it says: "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."