I sit down with hundreds of individuals throughout the year. Sometimes it's a business transaction, but other times it's an eye-opening conversation. Like I described last week, some people are especially gifted at discussing the deeper things, and that often means hard topics. "Do your clients ever try to ask you about politics?" I hesitated before answering a new client of mine. I've been around long enough to know when I'm on the precipice of a volatile conversation, but this didn't feel like one of those.
The precept of "faith" is that when we are spiritually mature, doubt and uncertainty will no longer be with us and we'll know exactly what to do… and it will work. This is a partial truth (lie) that's embedded deeply in our hearts as new believers, and it usually stays with us for decades. The teaching sounds something like this, "If you obey the word of God and follow the leading of His Spirit, you'll be blessed." That's faith… right? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NKJV
There is major breakthrough upon the writers right now. Those of you who are writing manuscripts, the Lord is releasing winds of acceleration upon you and these manuscripts are going to be birthed faster than you could ever have imagined. I had a vision and I watched as the Lord released these winds of acceleration and His angelic hosts to minister to you, and cause these manuscripts to come forth faster than you could imagine. Anything that has been attempting to block this manuscript, any warfare, is falling to the wayside as the winds of acceleration fall upon you and the Lord continues to breathe upon His message in your manuscript.
Taste and see for the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Psalm 34:8 Blessed assurance Jesus in mine. O what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation purchase of God born of His spirit washed in His blood! What we have here is a compilation of what Jesus can be to the fullest measure in our heart and life if we would only draw near to Him and truly trust Him. What we have is just a foretaste of the glory He will pour out as we enter in as His bride and partake of His promises, presence and love. He is ready to pour out His power in this hour that will confound the worldly wise. He will do signs, wonders, and miracles of such intensity that He has never done before besides the greatest which was the creation of all things.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God said, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" The Book of Genesis is the book of beginnings. We see God creating the heavens and the earth, then forming man from the dirt of the earth placing him in the Garden of Eden. Later God searches for a "helper" that is suitable for him. After Adam had the opportunity of seeing all the options, God places Adam in a deep sleep taking a rib from him and forming Eve from the rib.
Through a couple different supernatural encounters, God spoke something utterly profound to me about His Glory, and what our role is in releasing Glory in the Earth through our everyday lives. I want to share with you what God revealed to me through these experiences. It is my hope that we can advance the Kingdom of God together, in our separate lives, and have great impact for God in the Earth. Several months ago, I had a dream. In this dream, Jesus positioned my arms as if I was carrying something. With His finger he wrote on my right forearm the word "glory." The words appeared as a rainbow on my arm.
Many people who I have been meeting and interacting with are very discouraged and battle weary. When people have contacted me, asking what God is saying for them right now, I keep telling them, "Just wait until after May." This is because the Wind of Change has been rearranging things in our lives. Because of all the warfare and difficult times, many people are in need of an impartation of hope. "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:5 NKJV Watch for God to give you an impartation of hope as you begin to see prayers answered and prophetic words fulfilled in your life.
We NEED the Lordship of Christ. We NEED true discipleship! But too often there comes a disconnect from the true faith, and a lot of that is based on human idol worship. This is a challenging subject but is one the Lord has been highlighting to me for a while. The strength of the Body of Christ in America is at a crossroads, and lot of that is based on the teaching or false teaching that people are getting. We ALL need to come before the Cross of Christ and bow on both knees.
We must see men as God does. The Prophet Isaiah, as he prophesied the then future (2600 +/- years) advent of Jesus the Messiah, declares a profound life giving truth. God's desire in Christ is that all men be as trees of righteousness. Trees, which consistently are bringing glory to God are totally testifying that, symbolically as trees, all men are fruit producing plantings of the Lord.
I heard the Lord Say, "Be patient, your nation is having major heart surgery. Stay in the waiting room and pray." I remember when my mother had major bypass heart surgery in her seventies. The doctors came to us in the waiting area and told us these words, "Because of what she just went through, she's not going to look very good to you, but she looks great to us!" I sense the Lord saying, "Be patient with your nation, and remember I am not a Republican or Democrat, I AM that I AM. I AM working on a whole nation and everyone is a work in process. Don't judge, for I AM not finished working on anyone.