Colossians 1:9 (Amplified) "..we heard about it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking [specifically] that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [with insight into His purposes], and in understanding [of spiritual things]."

We must understand the importance of the verse above. The writer of this epistle makes it clear he prays for one goal in every believer. Spiritual understanding, discernment and insight all point to this one word: accuracy. Today as never before, there is such a need for accuracy in the body of Christ. Goodhearted works and intentions can't produce it. Even willing, zealous believers without accuracy cannot be productive.
Years back I had given so many things away and was faithful in tithing. I had given cars away, watches, jewelry, electronics money to strangers, you name it. The Bible says give and it shall be given unto you. But I wasn't seeing it. So one day after being enrolled in a Charismatic Bible college I took a Kenneth Hagen Faith study course. The course was great and it said faith is a now word in the present tense and you had to put action to your faith in order to see things manifest. It also said to remind God of his word.
April is a time in which the Wind of Change will continue blowing. This is an angel that comes this time of year and brings changes from Heaven to Earth. This year, the Wind of Change is blowing through the end of May. It will bring major realignments and reassignments to people. Check out my prophetic word from March: The Wind of Change & the Glory of God Returning. Get ready to cross over into a new time in which God will bring provision to you in some unusual ways. Even though things might not look clear just yet, over the next 30 to 60 days you will gain greater insight from the Lord.
Before I share the following I'm going to ask two things from all who read this:  First, please pray for me after you read it. Second, please only speak the victory and not the problem. Last October my husband and I went to NY. We were staying at Long Island so the beach was within walking distance from where we were. One day I decided to walk to the ocean. It was about a three mile walk and a little cold and windy but I love to walk so I put my hat and jacket on but didn't have any gloves with me.
Sometimes destiny unfolds in the most unusual circumstances. For me, everything changed when we moved back to the States, after serving on the mission field for nine years. We decided to move to California and become members of our dream church, Bethel. I was thrilled! Little did I know that a life-changing adventure was about to begin. The journey with the Lord always guides us beyond ourselves. It leads us away from our "do" and straight into our "who." This was exactly what I was about to discover.
Much is shifting in the Kingdom right now, with many practical ramifications in every mountain of our cultures. It is spring in America, a season for new beginnings. At a personal level, servants who have emphasized discipline and obedience are being invited to become friends and transition into God's Kingdom with passion and participation. We are no longer imitations of Jesus,we are His incarnations.

Let's contrast the old with the new. In the first century, Gnosticism or dualism was a false doctrine that taught, "everything spiritual is good and everything in the natural is bad." Material possessions, wealth, sex, culture, etc. were thought to be nothing more than carnal expressions of our sinful, fleshly nature.
Every month I receive scores of letters from believers who are distraught, despairing, depressed and disillusioned. Sometimes, this can become overwhelming and requires me to "go up higher" in order to get above the noise and the atmosphere of hopelessness to find truth and greater revelation of the goodness of God and His perspective. This morning as I allowed the Spirit to usher me into His tabernacle I began to experience the contrast between heaven and earth.
As I prepared to encourage people in a new season of harvest for America I kept seeing, in my spirit, an Awakening angel assigned to awaken a new season of Harvest time and revival in America. This angel was dressed in old, as in patriotic times. What came to mind was the beginning of the first thirteen colonies and the birth of America's independence and the first great Awakening. This angel was red, white and blue with a large sickle in his hand. I believe we are in a new season where we will learn to partner with the Angels that gather.
If you find yourself going through a battle where you feel you are losing control, know that it is just the enemy pulling out his big guns against you. He knows he is losing you and he is doing all he can to stop what is happening in your life. He knows that when your God accomplishes His mission in you and through you that He will receive great glory and that his kingdom is coming down. But just know that going through the transition of going to higher levels in Me is not an easy task to accomplish. It takes much warfare and trust in your heart to continue to press through to get to the other side.
Some of you feel like you've been wrestling with God so long now that you feel like you just can't do it any longer. Your hip hurts, your heart hurts, and it's been a long, long night. Much like Jacob, you are striving and wrestling with God, not wanting to let go until He blesses you. But you're tired and you're weary; you don't know if you can hold on another moment. But rest assured that you will prevail: "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob [deceiver], but Israel [strives with God], for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed" (Genesis 32:18 AMP).