I opened the door and took a step out and instantly I was falling. The next thing I knew I had landed hard on the solid concrete patio. I laid there for a moment looking up into the piercing sun, not exactly sure what happened and how I ended up between the wooden steps and the trailer I was living in at the time. The carpenter, who was sitting on the concrete with a power saw in his hand, stopped and looked up at me, saying, "Are you okay?"  After a few more breaths, I responded that I would be fine. I figured out that I had just stepped outside right after the carpenter had slid the wooden steps away from the door. He didn't know I was inside and I didn't know he was working outside. The result: I took a step outside and down I went — and fast! 
Everything in the universe began with God. The Scripture makes it clear: "Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him.
And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42 You know the story — Martha was busy serving Jesus while her sister, Mary, sat at His feet and drew from Him words of life. Martha didn't like it that Mary wasn't helping her, so she complained about it to Jesus.
I was recently scared — really, really scared. I saw something that so frightened me it threw me back and stopped me cold in my tracks. What I saw was ugly, threatening and dangerous. It was large, intimidating and daunting. What was it? Spots! I saw spots. I have seen spots that freaked me out before — age spots...well just one, but it was there, and its presence was horrifying. I have seen other spots too: sore spots, weak spots and soft spots. But none of these shook me like the spots I saw recently: blind spots. Blind spots don't show up very often. They hide, camouflaged nicely in their environment. But on this day, the blind spot was there, right out in the open — a visible sighting. I should probably mention that the blind spot I observed wasn't my own — the reason I was able to see it.
I've been dealing a lot with breakthrough, spiritual clogs and the waters of God's Presence lately.  It just seems to be the subject the Lord keeps hitting on.  In a previous article, "Breakthrough: The Outburst of His Waters" we talked about how God uses fasting to bring us to a place of breakthrough, awakening and sensitivity to His Spirit. Then another article last week about "Portals, Breakthrough and Sounds of Refreshing."  God wants His people free to live in His Presence.  Did you know that He is jealous for us?  He does not want any other gods in our lives, but that He would be our infatuation and desire.  Here is another article dealing with spiritual clogs and the ways God has given us to walk in the fullness of His Presence.
The old is familiar and comfortable. It feels safe and certain. We know what to expect, and we like it. But the new, while unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and uncertain, brings about the ripest atmosphere for change and transformation. And this is the place where big things happen. God is doing a new thing. And it will look and feel unfamiliar because we've never gone this way before. It will require shaking off complacency and stagnancy. It will require courage and action. And it will require resting and trusting in Him.
For the majority of us, it's highly likely true to say, we'd like to see expansion in our lives, in some, if not all areas of our lives. Whether it'd be a pay increase, a job promotion, a bigger house, a larger sphere of influence, higher education, a bigger ministry or church, a more successful business, and the list could go on and on from there. What we oftentimes forget to take into account is that with increase into our lives also comes increased responsibilities and accountability. The idea of more sounds really great, and I'm not saying it's not great, I believe it is, but more often than not, when we imagine increase being given to us, we neglect to consider there will be a process of learning how to manage our newly instituted level of increase.
This is a turning point and things are going to start happening at a fast pace. Watch as a new door will appear for you after June 13th. This is the end of the Jewish Feast of Weeks, also known as First Fruits, Leviticus 23:15. It occurs 7 weeks after Passover. Seven is the number of completion — so 7 weeks ago God released something powerfully new from Heaven and it is now coming into your life. If you did not see my Prophetic Word yet from last month, Why It's Safe For You to Hope Again, please go read that. Passover this year was so strategic. I have been having divine encounters nonstop since then.
I am in love with God and the local church.  And I am in bondage to God, but I am not in bondage to the local church.  I deeply love the local church because the people of God are in the local church, and I relate to them as best I can.  But sometimes I can't always relate to them, especially if I feel there is not a real unity in the relationship. I will work to serve them as best I can, but sometimes that has its limitations.  I don't want to step on their toes any more than I want them to step on mine.  (Some have called me weak for saying that, but I am not.)  And I have found that the same two feet that walked me into that church or fellowship gathering, are the same two feet that can walk me out.  It's not about spite.  It's about seeing and knowing Him and believing in that.
I want to tell you a secret you may never have heard before. There's a special place you can go that's so sweet and more real than mere words could ever express — a place that will cause you to raise your hands and fall to your knees, where you can't help but weep with great joy. In this special place you can bask in God's love and lie before His feet for hours on end. It's here where He draws near to you and imparts spirit and life into the dark, empty places inside you. It's a rare place where the very fire of heaven is released to work deep in the recesses of your soul. In His presence you behold Him in His beauty. His face shines upon you and you see Him as He really is, a Father so in love with His precious child that He desires to do a miraculous healing work inside you.