No righteousness happens in the earth without a Godly person's efforts somewhere. These are crucial times, but they are more crucial in the Spirit, than even in the natural. The natural will always play out what is happening in the Spiritual. Many people have decided or feel that it's revealed to them who should win the next election. And God is never taken by surprise on these things, but if He gave us some free choice in the matter, then how we are day to day is important and has an effect on the way things turn out!
Behind the simple narrative of creation that has caused many religions to develop superstitious and confusing ideas, stands the incredible revelation that is hard to even believe — HUMANS ARE CREATED TO BE LIKE GOD. We read the creation story to be about how physical creation occurred, but somehow it just doesn't seem to answer all our questions. We look at numbers, names, places, and dimensions to be clues to understanding why God created us. Maybe we could begin to see the intention of the Lord at creation still stands. He has never changed His mind. The purpose for humans is still about likeness and image…RIGHT NOW!
Yesterday the Holy Spirit brought me back to a dream that I had a few years ago. As I read it in my journal, I realized that this is what He has been showing me for the past few weeks. The Lord is raising up prophetic voices as well as "seer" prophets and visionaries. I have been hearing many other prophetic ministers seeing and sharing the same prophetic word and revelation for 2016. A few years ago I was in a powerful service and I had an incredible encounter with the Holy Spirit.
March has gone out like a lion and not like a lamb as the saying goes. There has been fierce opposition from the enemy to get you distracted from what is coming. The "wind of change" from the Holy Spirit is going to continue to blow through the month of April and rearrange things. Get ready for sudden changes and a shift in the spiritual atmosphere in which it will become much easier to hear God.
Over the past several years, I've had to re-evaluate most of what I previously had been taught concerning God and Whom I perceived Him to be. You see, most everything I had learned, prior to my wilderness experience, came from the preconceived interpretations of all my past teachers. When we have a preconceived idea about something or someone, that perception becomes the lens through which we evaluate the event. As with most of us, our beliefs and interpretations are 'the gospel' until we begin to see the kingdom of God through the lenses of relationship.
I run a prophetic ministry and we give out prophetic words for people. Many times over though people don't receive their prophetic words for whatever reason and it actually brings upon it a penalty. Several months back a friend asked me to do a prophetic word for her best friend and she said he really needed it and was looking for something important in it. The Lord showed me several things for him, one of which the Lord showed me was he doesn't have a job and is looking for one earnestly and the Lord says he will help him find a job soon.
It was Bob Dylan who wrote and sang, "Behind every beautiful thing there's been some kind of pain." Live enough, and you'll find just how true that is. Life is full of contrasts. All of us experience both good and bad times. We all go through ups and downs, and have mountain and valley seasons. And we all, to some degree, have scars and stories to go with them. Our scars are often rooted in deep pain and hardship, but beautiful things can be birthed from them when God is involved in the healing process. And we shouldn't be dismissive of this.
Human beings live in two realities, we live in the physical reality of which most people are aware, but we also live in a spiritual reality of which many are either uncomfortable with, unfamiliar with or unaware of. Our five senses operating in the physical world is where we make decisions. But the spiritual world is a realm from which we have our authority.
One morning, in prayer, I saw a giant pit that had trapped many people — a pit of despair, of sin, of compromise, of failure and hopelessness. Then I saw the Great Shepherd extend His hand to pull OUT desperate souls, giving them a second chance and making all things new! I believe that in the church there is coming a season of tremendous restoration and preparation, for God desires to restore all that the locust has eaten in your life! He will give you double for your trouble and turn your scars into stars reversing the curse. Let me emphasize here that this is a strategic season and we are not to squander or waste it.
Within the body of Christ we've had enough abuse, backbiting, dishonoring and yes, even literal robbery of one another. Without being aware of it, many have actually been tricked into robbing our brothers and sisters in Christ. Opposition has used this deceptive plot against us, causing us to believe we haven't been robbing one another. Our adversary the devil, attempts to tear us down and even destroy us and our relationships with other Christian brothers and sisters.