The world is shifting, and we are entering a critical time in history, one that can be concerning for some and exciting for others. We are seeing the very prophecy of the Bible laid out and manifesting before us. The harvest is coming! There may be some negative things happening, but it truly is the most exciting time to be alive. God created you to walk out and live out the prophecy of the Bible. Your destiny must come forth!
When I was seven years old, my father took me to a Billy Graham crusade held in Montgomery, Alabama, at the Cramton Bowl, the site of the prestigious Blue-Gray football classic. It was 1965. I don't remember much of what Billy Graham said. What I remember vividly is that my grandfather, who was visiting us at the time, got up and went to the stage when Graham invited people to make a decision to follow Jesus. My grandfather died two years later.
The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head. Micah 2:13 NIV There is a strong breakthrough power or "breaker anointing" being released from the Lord. God is leading the way and releasing everything you need to break out of your current situation, and break into the new season that is at hand. The Lord is going before you and preparing a way where it seems like there is no way. I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. Isaiah 45:2 NKJV
God doesn't care if I am fat. He wants me to enjoy my life. He wants me to live, love and be happy. Food makes me happy so I'm just doing what He wants me to do. That was just an excuse and at its core it is untrue. God really doesn't care about our outward appearance. When I weighed over 430 pounds God still loved me, but He was very concerned about my health. I was going downhill fast. Many I know have died of heart issues. A heart issue was the thing that caused the cardiac surgeon to stamp an expiration date on my body and that hurt really badly. He gave me five years to live if I didn't lose weight and keep it off. That's the bad news. The good news is that was 22 years ago. By changing what I ate and still eat, I extended my life by 17 years and counting.
Adapting creative thoughts that are born in our imaginations are like planting a seed that becomes a plant and eventually grows into a stately oak tree that bears fruit. Everything can take shape through visualization; the final achievement is magnificent and gratifying. The four simple steps to success are to: imagine grand thing, pray, plan with a strategy, and work hard to fulfill your desired goals. It is important to see your dreams as being obtainable. Each morning when you awaken from a dream, continue to lie in your bed for thirty minutes, to visualize and meditate on the images of the previous night before you get up.
Recently, God gave me an image of a big tree growing atop a very narrow, tall hill. "How can this tree grow bigger?" the Lord asked me. I replied, "I guess it would need to be transplanted. It can only grow so big with that narrow piece of land." There are some right now that God is doing a transplant work in. As I read about transplanting trees in the natural, some of the process surprised me. In the natural, trees must be prepared for transplanting for anywhere from six months to a year before the transplant even happens! It begins with pruning the roots. You do it months in advance so that the tree has time to heal before the transplant.
I have been a Christian for many years now. And over the years God has done some amazing things. But there was one thing that was hard to miss and that was the things that were wrong with the church. It has caused me much pain and even had caused me to leave Christianity at one point. It actually wasn't the only factor in my decision to do so but it certainly was a big contributor. The thing is though what I have found is that I saw some of the same issues with secular organizations that I joined and with non-Christians. A theme seemed to be there, and all the same problems arose.
Over the years, I've made it a priority to study the topic of love in the Word of God. Getting a revelation about just how much God loves me and learning to receive His love has been life changing. It's also the key to truly enjoying life. Because when we know how much God loves us, it melts away our insecurities, gives us confidence, and helps us to love ourselves. We can then give God's love away to other people. In fact, I've discovered the best way (and the only way) to have a happy, powerful life is to get our minds off ourselves and do something for someone else. Helping people, being a blessing and adding value to other people's lives, is what it means to walk in love and follow the example of Jesus.
Do you find yourself longing for more strength? I think we all do at times. The problems we face in our everyday life burden us and leave us feeling weary. Monie Motis was a missionary woman who served countries like Eretria and Liberia. She was held hostage in Liberia during one of the wars. Years before, she had written verses about strength on 4X6 index cards and had worked to memorize them. During her captivity, the verses reminded her of the strength God promised. Though she was ultimately set free, Monie continued to review those verses even into her retirement years.
Recently God spoke to me: "The nations are entering a period of intense shaking. Economies, societies, governments and institutions will all shake. Do not be distracted by the shaking, for in the midst of the shaking there is an awakening. "Many of My people will grab hold of their destinies and declare My purposes for their lives. They will speak to the chains that shackle them and say, 'You will be no longer. I am here to run to the front lines. I will not be shackled and I will not be muzzled.'"