There are all kinds of meetings and we need to learn about them. There are rally meets where we gather together to lift up Jesus and talk about Him some and then offer an altar call.  If the Spirit in the meeting is true, His Presence will draw people into His Kingdom of God where they will get saved and take up a conversation and continue that (because He is lifted up). People will repent because they want to "renew" to be right with Him and know more of Him. It takes an anointed pastor/leader gift to do that.  Many church services have been like this for years and we have been blessed by them in a big way!  But it is not all there is.
I once saw someone who I haven't seen in years and upon seeing them I asked them how they were doing? They replied that they are living the dream. Nowadays to say living the dream may mean the opposite while to others it is a reality.  To many people living the dream seems impossible though. And can you blame them? Their lives didn't go as planned and things are not going their way. But the fact remains that deep down in each of us lies dreams. Dreams to achieve incredible things. Dreams to be more than what others say we are.  People love to put limits on others and we even put limits on ourselves so many people never see the dream come true.
A little over 18 months ago, the Lord began to speak to me about exposure. I recently revisited that word, and the Lord began to speak to me in a fresh way about this. I believe there is about to be an exposure of evil and corruption in America and in the nations of the world. This exposure will take place in many realms of influence, including government, entertainment and media, professional sports and in the church.
When we soak in the presence of God, we are not only fostering our relationship with God but setting the table for the glory of God to be manifested in our lives. The organic fruit of this will be an increase in His anointing and His power in our lives. This is the fuel to be game changers for Him. I believe when we say "yes" to Him, it is the spark that ignites the fuel. All He needs is a "yes" to bring His will to pass. Remember, Jesus said, "Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do also. And he will do greater works than these, because I am going to My Father" (John 14:12).
Lately, the Lord has been impressing His faithfulness upon my heart for the body of Christ right now. As I sat with the Lord and spent time seeking His heart, I heard Him say: "I will not fail you. I will do that which I have promised." "You keep every promise You've ever made to me! Since Your love for me is constant and endless, I ask You, Lord, to finish every good thing that You've begun in me!" (Ps. 138:8, TPT). "The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your faithfulness, Lord, is everlasting; do not abandon the works of Your hands" (Ps. 138:8, NASB). I had a very deep sense that many in the body of Christ are needing hope right now. A ferocious battle against what God has spoken has been unleashed against them.
"To whom He presented Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, appearing to them for forty days, and speaking concerning the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). For several days, I kept hearing the Lord say, "I've got something up My sleeve." I said, "Lord, what is it?" He said, "Only those who are close enough to Me, leaning against My breast, hearing My heartbeat and leaning on My everlasting arms, will see what it is. My people have heard from CNN, Fox News, NBC, MSNBC, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. It is high time they hear from Me."
This is a Christmas season like no other—in a year like no other! Even though most of us won't have the whole family gathered at one table this year, our heavenly Father is holding a place at the Lord's table for each of us! A few years ago, I had a prophetic vision where I saw the Table of the Lord—a huge table that went on for eternity—and the Lord was sitting at the head of the table. Most of the Christians were standing around with their hands out in front of them like butlers or servants ready to serve the King. But the Father was inviting them to sit at the table as sons and daughters! This is happening right now.
As I inquired of the Lord about the coming year 2021, He reminded me of a dream I had many years ago. In the dream an angel appeared and announced 3 arched gateways with 3 Names of the Lord. Upon awakening from the dream, I could not recall the names, until today. I dreamed I woke up to a dark room and saw a small diamond radiating with the Light of the Lord. It rested in the white crumbled sheets of my King-sized bed. I'm excited & I pick it up & place it in my right hand. Then another, another and another one appears. They just keep coming and coming! I keep picking them up until I have a whole pile of them in my hand, the size of a big softball. I'm excited and God is also excited!
I heard Father say, "A fresh release of The Scribal Anointing® falling upon youth and young adults between the ages of 13 and 24." If you are leading prophetic scribes in this hour, be purposely attentive and mindful of the creativity and uniqueness of young people who are being pulled toward technological innovation. There is a group emerging with genius thought and savant insight in some overlooked and uncommon technological areas in the local congregation. The Lord is positioning them as catalysts to revolutionize our understanding of media in the congregation and pioneer in new technologies in our day in "the scribal realm."
I have a grandson who is almost eighteen months old. Since he was born, I have said these words to him, "You are a child of the Most High God. You are blessed and highly favored. You are full of faith, hope, and love. You are bold and courageous. Everything you need to succeed you already have inside you." These are words I want him to grow up believing about himself. Why? Because what you believe, you will become. This is true of me, and it is true of you. In this article, I want you to know and believe you have everything you need inside of you.