The Rabboni Anointing
by Taffir Furr
On Jan 20th 2008, by the Spirit of God I spoke forth a certain prophetic word. Every prophecy is important and should be revered as precious because it is the Holy Spirit speaking to His people, but I must admit that on occasion there are prophetic words that in my own heart seem to stand out above the rest because of what I am allowed to discern within my spirit while they are being spoken.
The following word of the Lord is one such prophecy. As the first "Rabboni" came forth from my mouth, I immediately felt as if Jesus Himself was standing before me and I was literally taken to my knees. It was from that place of total brokenness and with tears of humble adoration and reverential awe of my King that this prophetic word was spoken from.
Let me explain what I mean when I say to you that it felt as if Jesus was standing before me. There are times when the presence of the Lord is so unmistakably in the atmosphere that it is absolutely overwhelming. Although we may not visibly see Him, we know He is among us. We discern Him by our spirit. Many times we can also discern when another person is standing in front of us. We can feel the solidity of their presence. When I spoke the word, "Rabboni" I felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord, but I could also feel the solidity of His presence standing before me.
I am always in awe of the Lord as He is ministering His word through me, but believe me when I tell you, this word is filled with reverence to Jesus and was given from such a deep place that I have yet to understand what all took place in the atmosphere during that time. So I ask you, as you read this word, please - do not take it lightly.
"Rabboni ! Rabboni ! You are our Maker and You are our Teacher ! Speak to Your people into the depths of our hearts for we are Yours and there is no other, Rabboni!"
Give reverence to the Lord.
I have sent to you My Son and by the Spirit of My Son shall you go forth, shall you teach, in the Spirit of My Son.
The Lord is speaking to me, the same Spirit by which He is called Rabboni is the same Spirit that He is sending upon His people to teach by. This is an amazing, an amazing anointing in which the body of Christ is entering into. Whatever He is doing here, I just want to keep crying out 'Rabboni, Rabboni !' I'm going to tell you that I don't think I have ever used that word before today. I also want to tell you that when I speak that word something is taking place within me.
There is only one scripture referencing the name Rabboni, and it is found in John 20:16. When Jesus reveals Himself to Mary Magdalene as her "risen" Savoir, she says to Him "Rabboni".
is a Jewish title of respect or honor; such as Lord or Master. The word is also linked with the word Rabbi - which is a Jewish title meaning teacher. Lord is one who has power and authority as from headship or leadership. Master is a male person having another being subject to his will , as a teacher, an employer, an owner of a slave, etc.
We can then conclude, that Rabboni is not simply a teacher, but rather a leader who is to be highly respected and honored, being one who teaches in power and authority. This person would be considered to be the 'teacher of teachers'.
You cannot truly accept Jesus as Rabboni without having a humble and surrendered heart. Why do I say that? Because you cannot come to Him seeing you have the need for Him to be Teacher in your life, if you are believing that you are all that ! When Mary called out to her risen Savior - she recognized her need for Him. She did not just refer to Him as 'teacher' when she called Him by the name 'Rabboni', she was actually calling Him much more than that...She was saying, You are my Teacher, You are my Lord, You are my Master, and You are to be highly honored and respected. She was exalting Jesus ! In the same humble manner as Mary, we too must call out to Jesus as Rabboni.
There are people who refer to me as their mentor. Now I did not ask to be their mentor nor did I even desire to be a mentor at all. In fact, for awhile I was not even aware that people were viewing me as their mentor. Nevertheless, it made no difference whether or not I was aware of it, or whether or not I wanted it. They were watching my actions, they were listening to the words that I spoke and taking it all in as instruction for them.
My point is - I'm not a "Teacher", but I found that I am teaching even if I don't know that I am - just as all of you are also.
The dictionary says that teach implies the imparting of information so that others may learn.
Train - to teach as to make fit or qualified.
And last but not least, my favorite; Educate- the bringing out of capacities latent (not visible or apparent) in the individual.
You do not have to walk in the office of Teacher to teach. Nor do you have to stand at a pulpit before multitudes. Everyone in some form or another teaches. You may not know it but you can and do teach, most likely, on a daily basis. Where ever you are, whether it be at the office, at the factory, at school, the store, or church, there are people who are observing, listening, absorbing and learning from you - be it good or bad.
We now are able to understand, when the Lord makes reference to this Rabboni anointing to teach, He is not speaking merely to those who hold the title of "Teacher", He is speaking to all of us.
John 21:25 says, And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
We are in a time where false teachers are about to emerge at an incredibly fast rate, and more numerously than what we have ever before seen. They are cunningly deceptive in that if the truth is not known well, one could be easily deceived and caught in their snare.
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle and their destruction does not slumber.
2Peter 2: 1-3 -Jesus told us; You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Matthew 7: 16
Jesus taught with the power and authority that transformed lives. It is necessary that we are able to clearly differentiate the genuine from the false…, and for this reason there is a fresh release of this anointing to teach, coming to the Body of Christ - by which we shall teach in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, in His truth, seeing lives transformed for the glory of Jesus Christ.
God is pouring out His grace upon us that we may be restored to walk the walk in such a way that the actions and manner of our lives are clearly distinguishable from those who are among the false teachers and definable as carrying His character, wisdom , the fruit of His Spirit and truth of His word which is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the Man of God may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (portion in italics taken from 2 Tim. 3:16 & 17 )
Father God, I ask that you flow through us according to Your will, with the Spirit of Jesus Christ as Rabboni. Keep us pliable that we may always be teachable and ready for You to flow through us helping us to equip and teach others in Your love and Your truth so that lives may be transformed for Your glory. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
In His Service,