I'm glad you opened this message but to be honest, no matter how hard we try not to, we will have moments when we stumble and fall short. What really matters is how we respond to it. When we lose our temper, succumb to temptation, or miss the mark… these moments, no matter how big or small, can build up and weigh on our hearts, and cause us to feel far away from our heavenly Shepherd and unloved.
How do you combat fear? Do you try to fight it off? Do you just give in to it and hide? As you know, neither of these is effective. Trying to fight fear in your mind only seems to magnify the fear, because what you are FOCUSED on is the FEAR. Giving in to fear or anxiety and hiding from it sort of guarantees that this cycle will happen again and again. I have found that the most effective action in getting free from fear is to memorize and say out loud (even if it is a whisper in the night) Psalm 91 and Psalm 23.
This afternoon the Holy Spirit showed me an animated illustration of a spiritual truth. He showed me a fruit tree that was dying. This tree was once vibrant, and flourishing, but its life has now been diminished. The trunk was decayed, the branches were withered, and its bark was cracked and peeling. Although it was still standing, it was frail and weak. The tree's limbs were brittle, and they cracked under pressure, and snapped with wind gusts.
Many years ago, while flipping through the channels, I stumbled across an enticing infomercial. This one was stacked with uber-fit people all attributing their rock-solid abs to some electronic stimulator belt. Strap it on for "just 15 minutes a day and you'll have a six pack in no time," it touted. It had my attention. Within minutes of their "abs-with-no-effort" spiel, I was sold. A couple weeks later, I opened the package of my newly-arrived miracle worker in great anticipation of major life change. I lathered up my tummy with its "toning gel," affixed the belt, sat down for a TV show, and pressed "go."
God is alive and well today and He still speaks to us, but many people don't know how to hear Him. So, I thought I would talk today about some of the ways God speaks that you can recognize. God speaks through many ways but here are some more common ones. God speaks through the Bible and illumination; God will illuminate or make something you read in scripture just apply to you and hit you between the eyes. Through teachers or preachers and sermons. There will be sermons or teachings that just speak to you and hit home.
One of the biggest excuses we have is that we somehow feel God doesn't speak to us. This excuse shuts down our ability to hear from Him, trust Him and surrender to Him. All three things are integral when we are trying to change our habits, lose weight, get healthy and follow God's plan for our lives. When we don't think we have any clear direction from God, we are relying on our own intellect. We may know what to do, but our minds are overridden by our emotions.
A popular question I receive when I am ministering in new places is, "how can I see someone raised from the dead?" My usual response is asking how many dead people they have prayed for, but it doesn't seem to be the key people are looking to receive. If you do not pray for someone who has died – you will not see a resurrection. Years ago, I knew how to hear the voice of God but was trying to learn how to hear Him outside of a church setting. As I am in the Christian section of a bookstore – the Lord gives me a word for the woman standing next to me.
Proverbs 18:21 states, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Therefore, the scriptures suggest that whatever we say will be manifested into our lives. When we speak negatively, we can potentially cause death, but when we speak positively and truthfully, we are able to bring life into this world. Words allow us to express our feelings, our wants, our desires, our intelligence, our connection to one another, our creativity, and much more. Most of our conversations and communications are conducted through the use of words.
Are you fighting a battle right now? I believe we all have battles to fight at different times in life. But I want to encourage you. Whatever you may be facing today, know that, in Christ, you are more than a conqueror! Romans 8:37 (AMPC) says, "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us." Think about it. Meditate on it. Let this truth of God's Word settle in your heart. As I said before, we each have battles to fight at different times in our lives.
There are two ways to enter meekness: humble ourselves or be led through the wilderness. Either path is designed to ultimately lead to a condition of our hearts that will allow us to hear God. Most of us have gone through times when life's circumstances humbled us. When faced with a difficult situation, we may be humbled, but like a cork in water, we rise back up to the surface, our pride returning when the issue resolves. God doesn't want our lives filled with pride that dissipates during intermittent periods of shame due to external circumstances or even sometimes-painful experiences.