If you are an intercessory prayer warrior, you want spiritual results on earth as it is written in the courts of heaven. You are a spiritual person; you want spiritual results. We can't think of intercessory prayer as something that supplements our walk with the Lord; rather, it is essential to our walk with the Lord. Intercessory prayer is about a relationship with the Father, and it is how we war in the spiritual realm.
Have you ever been stuck? Have you ever hit a place in life that seemed like a dead end....like you no longer had any options? I've been there many times, and I'm sure most people have. But I am so grateful that over the years God has taught me that even when we get stuck, there is no situation too difficult for Him to handle! Let's start by looking at the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, chapters 37 through 50. The Bible says he was the favorite of his father's 12 sons, and his brothers were very jealous of him because of it.
This is the message of the prophet Isaiah - repeatedly: The presence of your Savior changes everything! (See Isa. 32:15, 35:1-2; 40:3-5, 43:19, 51:3.) Only Jesus can turn a past story of loss into a present testimony of power. So, receive His touch on every part of your life - even those past times that felt like "wilderness seasons." For right now, He is visiting you with headlines from heaven. A few years ago, God spoke to my husband and I one evening. It was 2019, and we were musing about a tragic event in our family's history over dinner when the Holy Spirit interrupted us.
Guardian angels do more than protect you. Guardian angels can protect you and keep you out of harm, but they also have seen your whole life played out. They've watched a movie about your future life in heaven, and they constantly give you thoughts to direct you to the will of God in your life. Guardian angels put thoughts in your mind to direct you. Your guardian angel may want you to go down to the shopping center because there's going to be a person down there that heaven wants you to interact.
Did you know that God wants to get you saturated in His Presence? He wants us all to, like a sponge, soak up the goodness of His Presence. It is amazing how much water a small sponge can actually hold. It just absorbs that water so well. If you've ever noticed - the beginning part of soaking a sponge with water takes longer. When the sponge is dry the water initially bounces off. But once it "breaks through" the sponge begins to absorb more and more!
When I was pregnant with my children, each one held a space of wonder in my heart. I thought about the exact date they would be born on. I would ponder what their height and weight would be. I wondered at times, by the amount of movement I felt, if they would be future break-dancers or gymnasts! As Christmas approached, I found myself pondering how Mary was feeling. She would walk through so many emotions and experiences.
Even more now, after the elections, the Lord is emphasizing to me now the importance of going after the media mountain. We have to stand back (at least I do) and see it objectively. We have to see how it works, how it's needed and how it has been corrupted. For many, they have not seen it work better than it is working today, which is a big mess! With the onset of the internet, or public access to news of all kinds, things changed dramatically, not all wrongly, but wrong people have abused it. We NEED communication and even entertainment serves a purpose for unwinding and relaxing after work - we all should have a worthy purpose! But today the celebrity spirit has entered and taken the focus OFF of what is right and good. God is not opposed to pleasure and blessings if the motive and purpose is right!
The Lord is speaking this over you right now: "The fullness of time has come." I knew this was about the timing that God used to bring Jesus into the world. But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son. Galatians 4:4 NKJV There is something powerful that happens when we align with the timing and season of the Lord, especially at Christmas. I also heard the Lord say that He is going to do a "strange work" (Isaiah 28:21). This means He is going to do something that might not be clear right now, but in the days to come it will become more clear.
Angels have been with us since before the beginning of time. These seen and unseen beings of light can traverse galaxies in a moment of time. Champions of righteousness, they herald God's loving messages of truth, salvation, healing, and deliverance to the earth. These majestic creatures protect and defend justice and oversee an eternal Kingdom. Although angels carry awe-inspiring responsibility on a universal level, they still focus upon the needs of the smallest, seemingly insignificant person.
Then the Lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation." Genesis 7:1 Remember how Noah was safe in the ark when the floodwaters came? While Noah was not perfect, God saw him as righteous because of his faith in God (see Heb. 11:7). When the flood came, everyone outside the ark died, but Noah and his family were protected and saved. Why? Because they were in the ark, which is a type of Christ, who is our salvation (see Acts 4:12).