Then I looked, and I saw a hand stretched out to me. In it was a scroll, which he unrolled before me. On both sides of it were written words of lament and mourning and woe. Ezekiel 2:9-10 NIV The Lord is bringing an end to the long and difficult season of mourning, sorrow and loss. We are coming out of a dry and barren time similar to the Ezekiel 37 Valley of Dry Bones. Many people, including myself, have been walking through the Valley of Fear and the Valley of the Shadow of Death - all at the same time. But there is great news! The Lord is now moving to set us free starting in February. This prophetic word is not limited to February, but this is indeed a major turning point, spiritually. There is new power and anointing being released from the Lord to break free.
Recently I heard the Lord speaking over many in the body of Christ and He spoke, "It may look like the end, but it's new birth." I began to see people all across the body of Christ in a place of feeling like they had "lost themselves" in 2021 because of all the hardship and battles they had endured. They came to the beginning of 2022 and were feeling 'lost.' Feeling like they were but a shadow of themselves and who they were and beginning to flourish into, in the years before. The Lord began to show me that their hearts were crying out to Him in deep pain.
The year 2022 is here, and we are bearing witness to unprecedented shifts around the world. We are seeing an increase in disease, natural disasters, violence, war - all of which are tearing at the fabric of communities on a global scale. We are also living in an unprecedented hour of prophetic fulfillment. The earth is crying out in intensified travail (both in the natural and the supernatural) as if preparing to give birth, as Jesus foretold in Matthew 24. As children of God, we must stay steadfast and focused on truth as these birth pangs are released. As we continue into our journey in the year 2022, I feel there is prophetic significance in the year.
The Bible teaches us that our thoughts are the determining factor which controls our actions. Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Romans 8:6 says, "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Notice that carnal mindedness doesn't just tend toward death - it is death! No one can consistently perform differently than the way they think; therefore, we cannot change our actions without changing our thinking. It's not just what we think about that needs changing, but we must change our thinking process. Our emotions are linked directly to how we think.
God is revealing His glory as never before, and in the year 2022, we will see this double glory expressed, with His light and power coming forth. The Gregorian calendar year 2022 lies within the Hebrew new year 5782, which began on Sept. 7, 2021. This year of 2022 is a powerful year in the Lord and one in which God is preparing His people to carry double glory. The numbers 5-7-8-2 on the Hebrew calendar are biblical numbers that mean "grace," "perfection," "new beginnings" and "double portion." In addition, the number 20 in 2022 represents a number of a cycle of completion, a time of waiting finished, and 22 often means "light and power."
How can we be thankful in the midst of everything going on in the world today? We've been through a lot in the last few years and I just want to stop a minute and thank God, even for the difficulties many of us have gone through. One of my favorite songs is "Through It All," written by Andre Crouch in 1971 after having purchased an engagement ring for a young woman. He was heartbroken when she announced that she was getting married, but not to him. He wrote: "I thank God for the mountains, and I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through; for if I'd never had a problem, I wouldn't know that He could solve them...I'd never know what faith in God could do.
My wife and I had the opportunity to tour Israel with a small group of friends in 2018. I'll never forget walking along the rocky shore of the Sea of Galilee, looking out at the small fishing boats and imagining what it would have been like to see Jesus and His small group of disciples in that place, just a few miles south of Capernaum. When I got close to the water, I rolled up my pants to my knees and waded in. I noticed some fishermen throwing their nets into the blue waters.
The secret place is the place where you meet with God. It begins inside your inner being. John 7:38 says "out of your heart (belly, inner being) will flow rivers of living water." Your inner being is the hidden sanctuary of the heart where you commune with God. The secret place is also the "room" you go into to pray and talk with God. Matthew 6:6 says "Go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."
Today the Lord brought me back to a dream that I had in 1984 just a few days before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In this dream my mother came up to me and said: The reason why you dream of water so often is because you want to go back into my womb and be born again. I didn't understand what that dream meant at the time, but a few weeks later I got filled with the Holy Spirit and began to understand spiritual things. I learned how to hear Jesus' voice through reading His Word. I found that there are countless ways that He speaks. Some of the ways are through dreams, visions, enigmas, metaphors, impressions and parables.
Do you know that God wants you to bear "much fruit?" Can you know what that fruit looks like or is it just a mystery? In a recent dream the Lord spoke to me through a question - then gave me the answer. The question was "WHAT IS THE GOAL?" I started to think about it, and he looked at me saying, "FRUIT! Salvations, miracles and healings!" He then smiled - end of dream. Most are familiar with the fruit of the Spirit, but the fruit of your life is different. Here I go into what that difference looks like and how the fruit of our lives is produced.