Viruses and sickness are evil! But God! His Word promises that, "all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Rom. 8:28).Those who love Him are having their lives and purposes developed within them even in the midst of evil. We have to understand that we live in a fallen world. Man creates many iniquitous pits that we can fall into. But God always has a plan—plan A, plan B, plan C or plan D—He never runs out of plans of redemption because of His love for mankind! If we listen, the Spirit of God will maneuver us through the time in which we live.
I received this word from the Lord about a year ago and although it stirred me at the time He quickened it into my spirit, it seems quite fitting for the time we are in now. This week signals the close of one season - which has been quite a long season of preparation for many - and the start of a new season. In this new season we will see many new doors opening. Some of these doors are ones we have prayed for, for a long time. These doors are answered prayer but do not be shocked that when the doors open they will not look exactly the way we had imagined they'd open up to be, nor the manner in which they were made opened, as well as, the expression of what they prove to be like.
To all of my dear friends and wonderful ministry partners, I'm so excited to announce the release of my newest book, Meditation: Its Practice and Effects, available now worldwide wherever books are sold. When I felt the inspiration of the Holy Ghost directing me to write the book, I found myself asking an important question: "Is prayer the same as meditation?" It's a valid question, if you think about it. Chances are when you think of meditation, you envision images of someone chanting, seated in what looks like an uncomfortable position, legs crossed and eyes closed.
According to the Hebrew calendar, we have entered the month of Av. Another name for this time is Menachem Av, which means the "Comfort of the Father." Let's recognize and remember that God is our Father, and He is a great comfort and source of consolation to us in difficult times. Av is also identified as the month of the lion. The lion of Judah roars and goes before you. Sing praises to the Lord! Sing about who He is, and before you know it, you will find yourself in the Promised Land.
I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake. 1 John 2:12 People have asked me from time to time, "Pastor Prince, why is an understanding of the complete forgiveness of my sins so important for me to walk in God's unmerited favor?" This is a good question. Friend, when you don't have a clear sense of your complete forgiveness, you will constantly be on an emotional seesaw. Sometimes, you feel that things between you and God are all right, but at other times, you don't think that it is so. Sometimes, you feel confident that the Lord is with you to make you a success, but at other times, you feel like you blew it and the Lord will not help you until you confess your sin and make amends.
Many actually see nothing wrong with how things have been going on. This confuses me. The Church is divided in many ways. It is fractured by personal opinions. With few exceptions, leaders know the church is declining, but they don't want to change their old mindset to find greater truth that would stop the decline. One major problem is the lack of believing Present Truth, the lack of teaching Truth, and the lack of searching for Truth. The question is, would you change your belief system in exchange for Greater Truth? Jesus became weary. He had been looking for her. He walked all the way to Samaria – because of TRUTH.
One of the primary things the Lord spoke to me in the beginning of 2020 was that the body of Christ, at large, was in a time of recalibration. God also showed me a vision of a luxury car that looked very beautiful on the outside, however, it lacked momentum, endurance, stability and horsepower. The Father compared this car to His church and its desperate need for realignment. His church doesn't appear to be sluggish, drained, powerless or unstable, but it has been in need of attention to address what's going on, on the inside.
You can look at any nation in the world and see that the times we are living in are different. This is a season like no other season before in history. Now, more than ever, it is so important for every believer to be listening to the Holy Spirit and leaning into the Lord. Hearing from God and doing exactly what He says are critical in this hour. I recently had a prophetic dream where the demonic warfare was so intense that I could sense it even after I woke up.
Do you want to radiate God's glory everywhere you go? We each have an internal and external atmosphere. Our internal atmosphere is what we are filled with on the inside. Our external atmosphere is what we release around us. The external is an overflow of the internal. If we are cultivating a negative internal atmosphere, that is what we will release around us. If we allow anger and resentment to fill us on the inside, then eventually our external life and relationships will become full of conflict and turmoil.
Faith is not a mental attitude it is a powerful substance and creative force. It is an impartation of God's substance into a living man to bring things to pass here on earth. When God imparts faith (substance) into our spirit it becomes a reality existing in the realm of spirit. Faith is a power that takes hold of the unseen realm and creates a positive life of blessing and prosperity. Faith comes through a rhema word that imparts substance to us by God. The vision, image, or picture now exists in your heart. You see the thing hoped for or believed for and you speak it into being. Confess with the mouth and believe with the heart. Our tongue forms, controls, and defines your world.