Passing the Blessing Along by Marilyn Hickey

By Marilyn Hickey

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I've seen it over and over again. A believer has a parent who consistently struggled in a certain area or had a destructive habit. That person grows up vowing, "I will never be like that!." And yet such people often find themselves trapped in the very same cycles of defeat or negative behavior that made their childhoods so miserable. How can that be? You might be thinking, "That sounds like a curse." You're probably right! The Word makes it clear that curses are real, and they're the result of a door to demonic activity having been opened at some point through sin.


The Bible also tells us that those curses can be passed down through a family. According to Exodus 20:5, the things that harass us and plague us-including many diseases and health problems-are sometimes rooted in a family generational curse that goes back one, two, or even three generations!


It Runs in the Family


I remember the day my eyes were really opened to this biblical truth. Many years ago I was visiting an 83-year-old aunt on my mother's side of the family.


I was marveling at how healthy and active she was at her age so I asked her if longevity and health tended to run in our family. She said, "Oh no, dear. Heart trouble runs in the Schweitzer family."


At that moment I was struck by the fact that, as a younger woman, I had indeed been diagnosed with a heart condition! Of course, if you know my testimony, you'll recall that I was supernaturally healed and miraculously given a brand new heart. What I didn't know until I spoke to my grandmother, is that when I received my healing, I was also receiving deliverance from a generational curse!


Here's some wonderful's not just curses that can be passed down through the generations. Blessing runs in families too!


This is something I teach about in great depth in a series I call "Imparting the Blessing." It reveals and explores two powerful, life-changing truths:


1.    You can break the negative destructive curses and patterns of defeat operating in your life because of sins of the past.

2.    You can establish a new legacy of blessing that passes down to present and future generations in your family!


What's Roosting in Your Family Tree


Oh, how much better, fuller, healthier, and more peaceful most Christians' lives would be if they understood the principle of generational blessing and curses! This understanding becomes even more important when you realize just how many people have contributed to your physical and spiritual heritage. Think about it. You have two biological parents. Four grandparents. Eight great-grandparents. And 16 great-great-grandparents. That's a lot of people feeding into your genetic and spiritual bloodline! That's thirty people!


A lot of things we see attacking us (or our children) are actually family generational curses. The good news is we have the opportunity, the weapons, and the authority to not only break those curses, but to reverse them. I'm talking about turning a multi-generational curse into a multi-generational blessing! Why is this possible? It's "legal" because, if you're saved, you've had a change of bloodline. You've had a "new birth."


As 1 John 5 reminds us: Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God...For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. (vss. 1,5)


You're In a New Family Now


Those curses no longer have the legal hold over you they used to have. Of course, the devil is an outlaw. That's why we have to learn to enforce what Jesus died to purchase for us. Jesus' finished work has "redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us." (Galatians 3:13)


Sickness, poverty, mental or emotional infirmity...these are all curses. Oh, child of God, it's so very important that we know how to break these and be free! That's why I'm making my "Imparting the Blessing" series my special "thank you" for your gift of any amount this month. As you give, you'll be helping to make it possible to keep this kind of teaching coming to you and to your neighbors and friends!


Establishing a legacy of blessing,


Marilyn Hickey


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