"Aligning for Advancement"
by Tammy Alsup
A Season of Divine Discontentment
Many in the prayer movement locally, regionally and nationally, have become discontent. This is true as well for a large percentage in the body of Christ as a whole. Though the majority of these believers have been faithful to pray and position themselves on the wall, there yet remains a longing for something more or different in their hearts. This restless desire for something new is actually the definition of the word 'discontentment.'
The Lord has been giving some perspective concerning this Season of Discontent. He has actually placed this restless desire for change in our hearts and it is ordained by Him. It is called Divine Discontent and it is being used to help transition us into a new place of alignment, so that the kingdom of God will advance in our sphere of influence. So, do not harden your heart - change is on the way!
Vision of a Measuring Rod Being Extended
One time while I was ministering in a congregation, I saw in a vision a measuring rod being stretched out over the body of Christ and over emerging apostolic ministries. I was not really familiar with the measuring rod at that time, but I knew there was an alignment that God was bringing forth to the body of Christ. The results of this "measuring" is not for the Lord to see, but rather for us to see our current state. We must see our current condition so that we can see if we need to change or shift for this season.
Though the vision and its application at that moment was for that particular congregation, the Holy Spirit also indicated to me that this was also a corporate word for His larger church. Many in the body of Christ are not aware that this is happening in their lives and many feel discouraged. A lot of people have gotten into murmuring and complaining about their current alignment. But be alert - be aware of the importance of knowing the times and the seasons!
Discerning the Times and Seasons
We must know the times and seasons that we are in as the Church and also individually for our own personal lives and destinies. If we do not know the time and season we are in, we cannot not properly wage warfare. Many times we wrongly come into alignment with the powers of darkness that are trying to keep us from advancing forward. When we take on the vocabulary of hopelessness, being judgmental and critical of our current state, we are hindering our progress! Break alignment with the enemy and get into His Kingdom alignment with His plans, purposes and pursuits.
Therefore it is of necessity that we ask God to show us His timing for our lives and how this in turn fits into the larger transition of the church. As we become synchronized with His will, Word and ways, we will begin to move forward and see our personal and corporate destinies unfold.
Being in Proper in Alignment
Alignment must take place in us and in the territories that have been assigned to us.
The Lord began revealing the importance of being aligned properly in every sphere of life and ministry, and also in the jurisdiction and territory that He has assigned to us. There are new alignments that are necessary for us as individuals and for the territory we are called to possess. Also these alignments are necessary for the advancement of the kingdom so that we are properly aligned and positioned for the harvest that is coming. New sounds of agreement and alignment must break forth and begin to turn back the battle at the gates of our cities and regions!
Evaluate spheres of your life and ministry. Here are a few to look at:
* Is there agreement and alignment with heaven, in the place where God has you? (Acts 17:26) God has ordained our pre-appointed times and the boundaries of our habitation. We must break alliances/agreements with the principalities and the powers resting over the land that would try to dominate and rule and have us believing that the kingdom of God is subject to their authority. This word agreement means to sound together and be in one accord. There is a sound released when there is agreement with heaven and this sound helps to break open territories, as well as seeing our own destinies fulfilled and brought forth.
* (Joshua 18:3) How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you? To neglect means to be disheartened, to relax or to let drop. Do we allow the structures that the enemy has in place to dominate our lives, vision and ministry? When we are in alliance with the voice and works of the enemy our vision becomes hindered and we are not able to see properly. It is time to break false alliances with the enemy and step into a new level of faith to possess the land that has already been given to us!
* Your covenant relationship with your spouse (if married). We are living in a day when the enemy is attacking covenant. There is a new level of agreement we must come into this year with our spouses. We must come into alignment with one another's destiny and purpose and help each other fulfill that destiny with a new zeal and focus. Are there adjustments my spouse and I need to make in our family life, which would put us in better alignment for the purposes of God in this next season? This is a very important area to continue to strengthen in this time of transition and war.
* Your finances. An area that many times in the body of Christ is hit the hardest is finances. The enemy attempts to keep many influenced by a spirit of poverty. This year, we must break that poverty mentality and move into an area of freedom and provision. Are our finances in alignment with where we are headed? Seek the Lord on how the wealth will transfer to the body of Christ and be ready to align in such a way that finances are released, so you can advance forward to establish the kingdom of God.
* Keep continually sowing seed. Know the kind of seed you are planting and the harvest you are looking for in this season. Never cease to sow! Sow your gifts, sow your finances and sow in a new way for a new level of positioning, alignment and harvest. You can never have a harvest without a seed. Need a harvest? Plant a seed! Serve and Sow!
* Identifying your sphere of influence. Know the sphere of influence that has been given to you and know the grace is that is upon your life to function in that sphere of influence. Paul says in II Corinthians 10:13 that there is a sphere which God has appointed to each of us. If we are not functioning in the sphere that has been ordained/decreed/appointed to us there cannot be the measure of fruitfulness that is needed for the advancement of the kingdom of God. Also, watch to see if your sphere of influence is shifting and changing. If you do not know your spiritual jurisdiction, your sphere of influence and the timing of the Lord concerning your destiny in that call, you cannot wage the warfare properly.
* It is important to be aligned in a proper way with a fellowship of believers, so that we are rightly related to the body of Christ. Though some of our spheres may be outside the local congregation, it is still important to have this connection to a local body of believers and to support the vision of that congregation. It is imperative to walk in love during this time of transition in the church and to not harden our hearts. "Honor" is a key word in seeing advancement in our lives and destinies as well as for the body of Christ as a whole. Many times our heart can keep things locked up for us and even slow down the alignment/advancement process.
* Are you being equipped and mentored for where you are headed? No matter what level we are serving or leading in, we should still have others that pour into our lives and are equipping us for where we are headed. This is a time of aligning with the right mentors who can encourage our gifts and from whose walk with the Lord we can glean. Many times this can be through observation, as well as information and impartation. Pray for a mentor who is further along than where you are. Find someone who is headed in the direction you are going. Pray and let God speak to both of your hearts that this is the right mentoring relationship.
* Your covenant connections and relationships. These are partnerships and relationships with whom you have been walking in agreement. Is there a new level of commitment to these relationships that is needed from you for this next season? Do these covenant relationships need to take on a new level of partnering together? Are these relationships still bearing fruit? Covenant relationships will be one of the keys to seeing that what is in your heart in this season will be established and built to last.
* You may consider aligning in a new way with new connections. Because of the time of transition the church is in, it could be that what has worked for you in the past is no longer bringing forth fruit and producing life in you. Does this mean you throw away the past connections and alignments? Absolutely not! You honor what has been birthed in that connection and alignment in the past and you continue to bless, but you move into alignment and connection where you will be functioning in this new season. Communicate with your current connections and see if your relationship needs to shift in a new direction to take on a new level of walking together for this season in your call and destiny.
* Make sure you have established your covering and the authority you are to be connected with. True authority is not restrictive but allows you to move forward, while at the same time providing accountability. Are you properly aligned in your sphere and call for this season? Is the Lord requiring you to establish a new level of accountability for this next season? It is crucial in this hour to be aligned! As you align apostolically you are able to be moved forward as a sent one into your destiny and to advance the kingdom of God in your sphere of influence.
Heaven and earth aligning brings breakthrough! Individuals and territories coming into alignment makes room for others to find their place of alignment and positioning to advance the kingdom of God.
Tammy L. Alsup
President, Kingdom Alignment International