Called to Be YOU by Jeremy Lopez

By Jeremy Lopez
"I want to be a cowboy when I grow up." "I want to be a princess."  "I want to be a ninja."  "I want to be the Terminator."  Spend any amount of time with children and you'll hear it all when you ask the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Am I right?  Well, believe it or not, even as adults, we're constantly, still, asking the question, "What do I want to be?"  Even though, now, we're asking the question of ourselves. If you could see just how wonderfully, how perfectly created you are, never again would you ever question your worth.  To all my dear friends and ministry partners throughout the world, I'm so thrilled to announce the release of my book, Becoming the YOU That You Want to Be. 
Called to Be YOU by Jeremy Lopez
By Jeremy Lopez
Available as a book or ebook.
Click HERE to order.
"I want to be a cowboy when I grow up."  I want to be a princess."  "I want to be a ninja."  "I want to be the Terminator."  Spend any amount of time with children and you'll hear it all when you ask the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Am I right?  Well, believe it or not, even as adults, we're constantly, still, asking the question, "What do I want to be?"  Even though, now, we're asking the question of ourselves. 
If you could see just how wonderfully, how perfectly created you are, never again would you ever question your worth.  To all my dear friends and ministry partners throughout the world, I'm so thrilled to announce the release of my book, Becoming the YOU That You Want to Be.  In many ways, it isn't just merely another book release; it truly is what I feel to be a clarion, prophetic call to humanity in a way rarely heard today.  In a world that always tells you who you should be, who you're supposed to be, and, most of all, who it wants you to be, have you ever stopped to wonder, "Who do I want to be?"  Let's face it.  It's an important question.
It may seem such a simple question at first glance, right?  Well, the answer isn't always so obvious, though. Day after day, you and I are constantly being offered glimpses and visions of what we're told life is supposed to be.  We see the late-night infomercials that say, "This is what success looks like."  We see the covers of magazines, and it's no different, really. "This is what beauty looks like," society seems to scream.  And when religion gets thrown into the mix, it all becomes so confusing that we're left asking, "What's even the point of it all?"  "This is what God wants you to do," religion screams loudly.  "This is what you're supposed to believe!"  "This is what you're supposed to do!"  It can all seem far too much to juggle, can't it?
It doesn't have to be this way, though.  In fact, what if I were to tell you that it never had to be?  Would you find that statement shocking?  In my newest book, Becoming the YOU That You Want to Be, I explore this even more.  As a life coach and prophetic minister for more than thirty years, what I've found and continue to see day after day is that all too often, we complicate things for ourselves.  All too often, we're the ones who make life so unbearably, exhaustibly difficult.  Most often, in fact, it isn't a devil or some demon, some coworker, or some family member or spouse that makes life so difficult and so confusing.  No.  Most often, we do it to ourselves, all because of what we believe about ourselves.  All because we don't really know who we want to be.
Look in the Mirror
My friend, it's time to take a long, hard serious look in the mirror.  It's time to reexamine what it truly means to be "called" by God.  Somewhere along the way, you were lied to by religion.  We all were.  Somewhere along the way, we were told that the ever-elusive "calling" looks a certain way, acts a certain way, and believes a certain way.  We seem to have forgotten what it truly means to be known by God. 
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5 NIV
It's a staggering, earth-shattering concept, isn't it?  That before we were ever even born onto planet earth, we were actually already known by God?  It's one of the most mysterious, transcendent concepts of all.  Yet, it really is true.  And rethinking it changes everything.  In my newest book, Becoming the YOU That You Want to Be, I share powerful insight that I believe will not only cause you to rethink what it means to be called by God, but also will cause you to be more inspired to actually live out those dreams that you've always had. 
We were known by God.  We seem to know that part.  We seem to even believe it, most times.  But, my friend, where we all too often seem to miss it is that somewhere along the way we started to believe that the knowing stopped when we were born.  That it ended somewhere along the way and that God seemed to become so, well, forgetful.  What you need to remember is that the God who knew you, still knows you! 
That means all of those dreams and desires that keep you awake at night are really no surprise to the courts of Heaven.  That means the visions you have for a better, brighter future aren't wasted.  Furthermore, it means that God-given dreams can never really die.  In fact, dreams never die at all; they simply become forgotten and placed on a shelf somewhere to collect dust.  Those dreams can be remembered, though.  And hopefully pursued and made into reality. 
But what does this truly mean as far as life in the Kingdom is concerned?  It means that it's time to actually ask, "Who do I want to be?"  No; it's not some rebellion against God to think of such a thing.  It's not blasphemy to actually want to be happy.  He already knows you anyway, remember?  He always has.  While you're busy spending life asking Heaven what it wants, what if Heaven is actually asking you the exact same question?  Wouldn't that change everything?
In Becoming the YOU That You Want To Be, I share powerful insight into what I truly feel is the power of the dream.  You've always had them.  They've always existed for a reason.  Well, it's time to begin to not only understand them, but it's time to finally put those dreams into action.  It's time to finally realize that the call of God is a call to an abundant, more prosperous life.  As simple as it may sound, what if God has actually called us to be happy? 
To the woman who once dreamed of being a princess, there's a reason you still have such a passion for fashion like you always have.  And God still knows you.  Oh, and He knows you still have yet to find your prince charming you keep dreaming about.  God knows.  To the man who once dreamed of growing up to become a cowboy, there's a reason you've always enjoyed working outdoors, with your hands.  You still do. God knows. 
And to the dreamer who once dreamed of one day becoming a superhero, there's a reason you still have a dream of making the world a better, safer, kinder place.  God knows you.  He always has.  Maybe life isn't as glamorous as you once dreamed it would be.  But that in no way means that it's not what it's supposed to be, and it most certainly doesn't mean it still cannot become everything that you want it to be.  While you're busy asking God what He wants from you, God is trying to remind you what He actually wants for you.  He wants you to be happy.  It's time to awaken to the "YOU" that you were destined to be. 
Jeremy Lopez

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