What Not to Do by Marilyn Hickey

By Marilyn Hickey

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Did you know the Bible is filled with great examples of what NOT to do? It holds great wisdom, but some of the most valuable lessons ever found are in the actions of those who blew it big time!


One of the biggest mistakes a believer can make is a failure to realize one particular, vital truth.  GOD IS FOR YOU!


I don't know what you're going through, but I do know that I've faced some pretty dark circumstances at times. But I'm reasonably sure neither one of us has ever faced a situation as utterly grim as the one faced by a group of Israelites described in the book of 2 Kings 6. (Read chapters 6 and 7). Israel was about to starve!


In desperation, the king decided to go see the prophet Elisha. (Have you noticed that some people don't have much use for the things of God, until their situation gets desperate?) When the king arrived, the prophet had a word from the Lord for him. A good word! He told him that by tomorrow, the city's market would be so filled with food that it would be selling cheap! One of the king's buddies responded the way a lot of people do when confronted by a promise from God. He didn't believe it:  "That couldn't happen even if the Lord opened the windows of heaven!" (2 Kings 7:2 NLT)


He didn't believe God's word of deliverance. Unbelief, hard-heartedness and words of doubt always produce the same result.


God can and does open "windows" between the unseen realm of the spirit and our natural world. What opens those windows? Steps of faith. Acts of obedience. Words of confidence in God's goodness and faithfulness.


The Bible is filled with examples of 24-hour turnarounds! Joseph went to bed in a prison and a day later was living in a palace. One day Daniel was thrown to starving lions as "dinner." The next day he was one of the most powerful advisors to the king.


God can turn a situation around so fast it can take your breath away - God is for YOU!


The Word is very emphatic about that. We see it in Romans 8:31-32:  What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (NKJV)


If God is for you, who can be against you? God's Word is clear. He is for you. You can be the biggest mess in the world, but the good news is, God is for messes! You might have done the most stupid things in the world, but that's okay, God loves stupid people. (Me included!)


Say it out loud, right where you are: "God is for me!"


Marilyn Hickey


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