Highway of Holiness by Elaine Tavolacci

By Elaine Tavolacci
We are living in a season when many of you feel as if the heavens are brass, and it's been more difficult to break through to hear the Holy Spirits voice. For some, there has been one battle after another. Many believers as well as unbelievers recognize this dark time, but regardless of what is happening around us, the Lord is calling His people to walk by faith knowing that we have been called for such a time as this. This is not the time to draw back in fear, but to forget the past, and reach forward to the days ahead, knowing that we will come out of every battle victorious.
Highway of Holiness by Elaine Tavolacci
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We are living in a season when many of you feel as if the heavens are brass, and it’s been more difficult to break through to hear the Holy Spirits voice. For some, there has been one battle after another. Many believers as well as unbelievers recognize this dark time, but regardless of what is happening around us, the Lord is calling His people to walk by faith knowing that we have been called for such a time as this. This is not the time to draw back in fear, but to forget the past, and reach forward to the days ahead, knowing that we will come out of every battle victorious.
This week the Lord confirmed this word to me several times. We are called to live above the worlds standards and in order to make an impact on this darkness around us, we need to be the light of the world. Light provokes darkness. That’s why the demons shrieked when Jesus walked by. Jesus is the light of the world, and He taught us in Matthew 5, that we are to be the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. In order to become that light, the Lord is requiring us to walk as Jesus walked in integrity, righteousness, and above all holiness. The book of Hebrews says: Without holiness, no one will see the Lord.
If we want to transform this world, we can’t be conformed to this world. We are coming into a time when the body of Christ will demonstrate the Kingdom of God just as it was in the book of Acts but we have to be prepared. Romans 13:14 says: But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh. That word “put on” is endyō which means to sink into (clothing), put on, clothe one's self. Jesus wants to clothe us in His glory, and take our faith to a new level today.
To the degree that we submit to Him and allow Him to be in control, is the degree that we allow Him to use us, and tell us things to come. We are not called to live a mundane life but a supernatural life. We are partakers of His divine nature and we need to become “Christ like” to do the works that He did. As we come into a higher place of holiness, the Holy Spirit could flow through us unhindered. We will then begin to walk in authority, dominion and power and we’ll see the Kingdom of God released on this earth as it is in heaven.
The Lord says, I am calling My people to a higher standard of living. You are the light of the world so you should no longer walk as the heathen walked. I have created you in My image. I have created you to represent Me in this hour. You are set apart for My purposes and plans, and I will move mightily on your behalf as you walk in integrity, sincerity, and a manner worthy of Me.
The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, so you must act accordingly. You are no longer sinners, so you must guard your heart with all diligence. I am requiring a higher level of holiness. You are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. I’m calling My people to walk in integrity, holiness, honesty and loyalty. Some of you started out right, but who bewitched you from walking in the truth? Let the words of your mouth come into alignment with My Word.
Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus. We are coming into a time of spiritual encounters that are uncommon to man. Allow Me to transform you, so that you will mature and develop into My image. Don't resist nor quench what I am doing. Don't settle for less than what I have for you. As you nurture and protect that which I have placed on the inside of you, you will be able to discern My ways. As you come before Me in prayer and fasting, I will equip you for the days ahead. 
You will understand how to encounter Me through an intimate relationship as you read My Word. No matter how things appear to be in the natural, you shall see My glory return. Just as I promised, I will pour out My Spirit once again. You will see wonders in the heavens above, and signs in the earth below. I am about to release My anointing in unprecedented ways. Darkness will dissipate when My light appears, as My people begin to walk on the Highway of Holiness says the Lord.
Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.
Isaiah 35:8 A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called "The Highway of Holiness." The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others. whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray.
1 John 2:6 Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.
Elaine Tavolacci

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