If You're Not Fighting from This Heavenly Realm, There's Work to Do by Candice Smithyman

By Candice Smithyman
God is getting ready to take His church to the next level in these last days. The Lord wants to share keys that will teach us how to live in the eternal realm. As His children, we are called to live the ascension life with Jesus. You are probably familiar with the resurrection life, and hopefully, you are living it out daily. The resurrection life is the overcoming and victorious Christian life that Jesus bought with His shed blood on the cross for us. He died and resurrected so that we might live it! The resurrection life should be the everyday Christian life.
If You're Not Fighting from This Heavenly Realm, There's Work to Do by Candice Smithyman
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God is getting ready to take His church to the next level in these last days. The Lord wants to share keys that will teach us how to live in the eternal realm. As His children, we are called to live the ascension life with Jesus.
You are probably familiar with the resurrection life, and hopefully, you are living it out daily. The resurrection life is the overcoming and victorious Christian life that Jesus bought with His shed blood on the cross for us. He died and resurrected so that we might live it! The resurrection life should be the everyday Christian life.
But how much do you know about the ascension life and the power of the prosperity realm? Have you ever heard of such a concept? It is found in Scripture. Understanding what Jesus did for us in His death and resurrection is powerful. But there is also power in the ascension because it means our position has changed. We know our position has changed because of the truth of the Word of God, and we have washed our minds with that truth. Jesus’s ascension means that you are a royal citizen of heaven, given authority to rule in the earth realms. You daily activate your inheritance as a royal citizen because you have been given the right to access heaven every moment, and your relationship with Father God is growing daily because you know Him in His Word.
It means we are now eternal, and kingdom citizens called to walk on earth. These benefits of the ascension life were acquired when Jesus robbed Satan of the power of death and God repositioned us as children of the inheritance, seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6).
God has been ministering this truth for years, and the ascension life is rightly discerned in the Word of God. It has been there from Day One in the New Testament, which reveals what happened to Jesus at the Resurrection and the ascension. When Jesus resurrected, He defeated sin, death, and the grave. He enabled us to be saved and live as overcomers of evil and death. The power of the Resurrection means the enemy has been defeated, and we are called to live a grace-filled life. This resurrected life is amazing! However, there is more to the story. We are not just overcomers and victorious over evil; we are called to be kingdom citizens, walking in power to tread on snakes and scorpions, because we are seated with Christ in heavenly places.
This position enables us to be change agents on earth. We are called to live, move, and breathe from a new position that reflects the truth that Jesus ascended to heaven and is still there now, and He says we are also, even today. We have a powerful position, and our understanding of this position will enable us to live as though the eternal realm of heaven impacts our past, present, and future.
For this to happen, you must see the world through the power of Jesus’s ascension. You must see yourself as complete and whole in your soul. You must live as though you are an eternal creature with nothing missing and nothing broken. Because of what Jesus did and the shifting of power from a focus on death to a focus on life, you can exercise your power as a kingdom citizen over the realm of death and live in the prosperity realm. This means the revival of your soul, which leads to the reformation of your world. God can use you to reform nations when you come to understand the power of heavenly portals and how to operate in them daily in the earthly realm.
The ascension life is different from the resurrection life. The Spirit of the Lord supernaturally takes His children through this process to teach them to carry the responsibility of greater assignment while resting in His peace as they grow in trust of God. When God is ready to promote His people, He will teach them new aspects of His ascension.
The resurrected life focuses on living victoriously over sin, death and the grave. This is vital in our Christian walk. However, the resurrection life is only the foundation for the ascension life. We are called to live in a way that makes a difference on earth. The resurrection life provides us with the basic tools to give God glory, but Jesus knew there was more, and He shared this with His disciples and with the world.
The Resurrection Begins the Process
As we know from Scripture, the ascension happened after the Resurrection.
“In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” (Acts 1:1-3, NIV).
We are told that Jesus spent 40 days ministering and meeting with family and friends before ascending to the Father. He spoke certain things to His disciples during this time to let them know there was more to this life than the power of His resurrection. The promise of the Holy Spirit would open a new understanding to them and the world.
The ascension life means we get to participate with God from a place of rest while He does the work in us, through us and around us for His glory. He becomes the power source for change as we rest in Him and His ascension grace.
The ascension is the next level of rest and peace. It doesn’t mean you won’t fight the good fight of faith or undertake a battle; it just means your weapons of warfare are not carnal (2 Cor. 10:4). It means you fight from the heavenly realm in a seat of rest and peace, knowing God and trusting in His love. We can know that He will release what we need when we need it, and we are called to rest in this.
Dr. Candice Smithyman

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