New Gifts at Christmas by Doug Addison

By Doug Addison
The Lord is speaking this over you right now: "The fullness of time has come." I knew this was about the timing that God used to bring Jesus into the world. But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son. Galatians 4:4 NKJV There is something powerful that happens when we align with the timing and season of the Lord, especially at Christmas. I also heard the Lord say that He is going to do a "strange work" (Isaiah 28:21). This means He is going to do something that might not be clear right now, but in the days to come it will become more clear.
New Gifts at Christmas by Doug Addison
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Special Timing is Being Released
The Lord is speaking this over you right now: “The fullness of time has come.” I knew this was about the timing that God used to bring Jesus into the world.
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son. Galatians 4:4 NKJV
There is something powerful that happens when we align with the timing and season of the Lord, especially at Christmas.
I also heard the Lord say that He is going to do a “strange work” (Isaiah 28:21). This means He is going to do something that might not be clear right now, but in the days to come it will become more clear.
In days to come you will understand it clearly. Jeremiah 23:20 NIV
The Gift of God’s Timing and Hope
Here’s a word of encouragement for you: “You are not ahead, not behind but right on time!”
I heard the Lord say, “I am going to bring you into My timing this Christmas season and do some things behind the scenes to align you for 2023.”
There is a breakthrough and a major change in the spiritual season starting at Christmas, and it will progress through the new year.
Old Things Need to Die Away
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die. Ecclesiastes 3:1–2 NIV
This might be different from person to person, but the Lord is causing the old to die away and He will use this to bring new life. He will use it all to set you up for the new time and season.
The Lord will bring you into greater understanding in the days and weeks to come. The key right now is to trust the Lord no matter what happens, no matter what things look like.
Don’t Be Discouraged!
Things are going to move quickly and suddenly accelerate
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.” Amos 9:13 MSG
The key is to trust the Lord and stay at peace.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5–6 NIV
The Lord has not forgotten you. As you move forward you will see things of your soul drop off.
The Lord is removing confusion, panic and fear. Depression and anxiety are going to leave. The Lord is moving in your life in a mighty way!
New Power for You
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
Continue to wait on the Lord and He will indeed renew your strength.
I have been experiencing this in my own life. The Lord continues to give me supernatural strength. A key to this is to worship in the storm and stay at peace.
A Grace-fountain of Refreshment
Bring me to your grace-fountain so that your strength becomes mine. Be my hero and come rescue your servant once again! Send me a miraculous sign to show me how much you love me. Psalm 86:16–17 TPT
Ask the Lord to give you a fountain of refreshment from His true living water. This is so you can finish the good work He has started in you and to bring you out of the old season and into the new.
You can stand in the storm or sit in His presence even if it is for a few minutes. Ask the Lord for your “grace-fountain.” This is like a spiritual oasis that you can sit, stand or walk in. The Lord is pouring out strength and encouragement to you!
Also ask the Lord for a sign to let you know He loves you. He is doing this right now. Ask for Bible verses, a dream, a prophetic word or something to speak to you like a song or movie, or through a friend.
Keep Moving Forward
I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me … But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:12–13 NIV
Keep moving forward and forget what is behind. This year the Lord is bringing you the gift of new hope and strength and He is bringing things to you that will bring you into His timing.
Remember: “Not ahead, not behind but right on time.” Some things you have waited for are now coming into place, but it might look different than you once thought.
I hope you have a blessed Christmas!
Doug Addison

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