Prophecy: A Greater Harvest by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
There is a generation that failed to come together in the way I wanted, says the Lord, and the pain of the failure has hurt many, but I did not forsake all. While some got disheartened and left, some stayed and lamented and sought Me. My own Heart grieved as I saw some turn away, but I build in an Order and if that is not seen, it is not done, and many have sought to build the Kingdom on their terms and not Mine. Yet as I promised, I did not leave nor forsake those who wanted Me yet felt "left out" of what I was doing. I have collected their tears and will use them for the next Outpouring. All things do work together for the good if you Want Me, says your God.
Prophecy:  A Greater Harvest by Pam Clark
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There is a generation that failed to come together in the way I wanted, says the Lord, and the pain of the failure has hurt many, but I did not forsake all. While some got disheartened and left, some stayed and lamented and sought Me.
My own Heart grieved as I saw some turn away, but I build in an Order and if that is not seen, it is not done, and many have sought to build the Kingdom on their terms and not Mine.
Yet as I promised, I did not leave nor forsake those who wanted Me yet felt "left out" of what I was doing. I have collected their tears and will use them for the next Outpouring. All things do work together for the good if you Want Me, says your God.
When coverings fail, My angels still man their posts and observe and report things to Me. When the enemy flaunts His agenda and My people wail, I hear them. I can use things and events in spite of what the failure has been.
I can still teach you by My Spirit and I can cause all things to work together for the good! But you must desire and apply yourself to learning and KNOWING Me. I will separate the wheat from the tares, as my grain has nourishment. I will not mix it with the weeds.
Did I not say not to pray rote words in vain? I don't just look at the words of the mouth, but I do look at the heart. I don't just look at the books, but I look on what you pray and what you do in response to the knowledge you have worked to gain. But know this, the strength is in My response to your genuine prayers. Do you pay attention and look for Me?
They are not Lost to Me
I give every generation a chance. And while many from the last generation fell away, I did not lose them. I AM the God of the breakthrough! I will even break through the rubble and find those who are MINE. They are not lost to Me!
And what this will do is strengthen the next Move of My Spirit. I see the young, I see the weary, I see the old and I see the weak, but I say to you ARISE! for your faith, though sometimes small, has not been in vain!!!
There is a River that flows from the Throne of God. This River is constantly moving. It is Life. Like the Wind, it travels through the earth, seeking those who want My Hand upon them, seeking those who would humble themselves before Me, looking for those who would honor Me by helping others, seeking those who want to cooperate with My Will! Their eyes will be opened to My Plans!
They are not like the rich young ruler who turned away, but I will call them from their desolate places. And they will bow to Me in My Presence. I don't give token gifts, but My Gift is your life! My gift is that river moving inside of you that is opening your eyes to the Kingdom of God. Angels will attend them.
Yes, for a moment I turned away in My grief, but that does not last forever because of Who I Am. Notice! that I will visit you. Notice that I lift up your head and brighten your countenance. Notice that I feed you fresh manna! And notice that I call you My Own in the company of other believers.
A Greater Move is Coming
Yes, a move is coming that is greater than the last one. But you must work to stay close to Me. You must tend other believers, especially the young in Spirit! Like I asked Peter, “Do you love Me more than these? all these ‘other’ things?”
This harvest will be greater because of the failures of the past. I never lose! I AM the Victor! Therefore, I will make this next Harvest greater than the last with signs and wonders and anointed ministry gifts! But they will happen because you have sought Me. You have put Me first!
There are those who come to serve themselves, and there are those who come to serve Me. I am the Lord your recompense! Your faith TOGETHER will cause My Heart to dance! The hard heart will be broken into new life.
Others are not to care for you all the time, I will do that. But you must learn how to guard your ways and your heart to stay in sync with Mine. You MUST learn to hear My Voice and hear Me guide you to the ways I command. You must hear Me when I say yes, go here; or no, do not go there. And you must know My Word well enough to hear it when I speak it!
Righteousness will be blessed, and multiplied, and it will go out to the highways and byways, and many will be compelled to come in! You will learn how to hear and you will be a mighty people! If you are a people of My Righteousness, I will be a strong God to you. I will enforce your agreement with the Moves of My Hand. Know Me, and Love Me, for I care for you and have planned your way.
Pray your prayers to enter into My Gates for angels attend those ways and covering is there. I will show you YOUR victories and your path to overcome all the enemy would want to do.
Your righteousness is of Me. For in Me, no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you will FALL for I will condemn that which is not Me.
My Ways are good, they are Life. My Strength is no secret, it is Love, and in My Companion Company I will give peace. KNOW the difference in what is Me and what is not, and I will give and show you MANY treasures! My Life is strong, and I will lift you up on the Wings of My Love.
I will show you the difference in My love, and that of the world's. I will lift you up into My overcoming ways. The world will not bind you. I AM a multi-generational God and I will show you the power of My everlasting Love.
Pam Clark

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