Seeing the Big Picture by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
Good morning or evening or wherever you are! I know that we are all pressing through, and I really want to press through to the other side! And with God's help (and not without it), we will! I heard an expression on a YouTube video when I was surfing the web where something a man said is challenging my thinking in a fun way. He said that "God sees time as a picture." Now I think we all wonder where this is all going, and many of us, like Peter stated, searched and do still search for our best understanding.
Seeing the Big Picture by Pam Clark
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By Jeremy Lopez
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Good morning or evening or wherever you are! I know that we are all pressing through, and I really want to press through to the other side! And with God's help (and not without it), we will!
I heard an expression on a YouTube video when I was surfing the web where something a man said is challenging my thinking in a fun way. He said that "God sees time as a picture."
Now I think we all wonder where this is all going, and many of us, like Peter stated, searched and do still search for our best understanding.
I Peter 1:9-11 For you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.
We know that God sees the finished product, but do we? For us it is a struggle and a pressing through. We have to remember many things, too, the words and the testimonies (Isaiah 8:20). This is why testimonies are so important.
Not only do we battle in ourselves, but also circumstances, and sadly we find out that not all have our best good, like our family and friends often do. God sees PAST that and so must we! He is out there!
There is the world, the flesh and the devil and I think the devil is the worst, but we have to find out what God says about the ways to overcome that.
Others have pressed through, and so can we, and times should start getting exciting when we start "seeing" too! WE CAN! It just takes some efforts.  The devil will put "options" before us, and we have to learn how to cast those aside and hear what God has to say and "see it" and "receive it" too!
We often get "vision" in smaller parts, but there is a bigger "Picture" that we press into where ALL the parts work together. Learning to trust is a big part; big blessings to those who help with that!
God sees time as a picture. That's really working on me today. And you know that what others do affects the others. Hopefully you know that. God has many prophets but has One Prophetic Spirit that sees the end from the beginning.
We Need All the Body Parts
It takes all of us working together for us to see, and we have things that WE - as a group - have to overcome. We need ALL the Body parts.
When we fight and work to disable each other, it hinders us and we can know that a judgment will come. But God sees the Vision as already done!
I like to watch nature films that are good, but do you know that nature is not our final platform? We can learn a lot and see the beauty of God preserving a lot of things, but we are still in a fallen world.
God sees time as a picture! MEANING that to Him it is already completed and it's good - good FOR ALL! Even nature.
The devil came to challenge but God decided to use that for the outlines of the Picture, to help us understand. There are some really awful things, but if we can see the goodness of God and what is right and better, we are more grounded.
God saw you in Adam and Eve. Most want to condemn them but they ARE our parents, and we are to honor them! We have to see the outlines of what is at work here for that final Picture!
We have the saints, the prophets, the apostles, the many ministers who ALL contribute! We need to FIND our authority IN HIM and move in ways that make a difference which will eliminate a lot of the evil. We cannot forget! If the enemy can fool and deceive us, and cause us to lose our faith, he can hold us back.
But the Story is not over yet. It is still being told and the Picture of time is not complete! We will have some more outlines and dark spots to see the full glory of it all. But we can keep overcoming!
What did JESUS come to do? We really need to pay attention to that. Do you know that we can shorten the hard places if we learn that?
We all work and fit together. God's Picture has some moving parts, but they are part of the Glory. Not everything "different" is evil. We like our comfort zones, but the Picture is not ours, but His. He defines the borders. In His Mind, He has seen the completed Picture! And He likes it, in fact He calls it "Very Good!"
Our Part
Something tells me it is a very inter-relational Picture. God does not do shabby work; He is impressive in all He does! He has made us all His Bride! A Life Companion! One Body joined to Him. And a part of that is Revelation.
Maybe we will have a part in creating the next Picture He does! He puts expression in each of us. He wants all in Him to be blessed! Some seem trapped, but Healing is His. This is why it is so important to seek Him because He will keep revealing things to us. As His Companion, we have to be revelational!
Don't get snared in a quicksand. Learn to see the borders. Watch how He fills things in. Learn that the greater glories are still to come. There are enemies to His Faith. He knows the Plans, the Purposes, and the final expression of His Picture. (Jeremiah 29:11) He is not substituting. But we are part of the responsive.
The enemy is not stupid, and he will work to do counterfeits and deceptions, which is why we NEED the WORD AND the SPIRIT. The right Spirit makes all the difference. We have to learn how to overcome deceptions and bring forth Truth!
His Truth is Love, and Light, and Revealings, and Wonders, and a MULTI-FACETED Relationship with the Awesome God. We don't conquer Him, ever. But He will reign forever and ever. I have seen stronger faith expressions in my life, I still look for them again, because I know Who HE Is.
We may need to go through some "dark spots" to understand the Light. We are limited; He is NOT! He is Joy! He is Stern. He IS Responsive and Unlimited. He is Invisible and He can be SEEN.
Let's keep pressing in to know Him more.
Pam Clark

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