Taking on the Media Mountain by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
Even more now, after the elections, the Lord is emphasizing to me now the importance of going after the media mountain. We have to stand back (at least I do) and see it objectively. We have to see how it works, how it's needed and how it has been corrupted. For many, they have not seen it work better than it is working today, which is a big mess! With the onset of the internet, or public access to news of all kinds, things changed dramatically, not all wrongly, but wrong people have abused it. We NEED communication and even entertainment serves a purpose for unwinding and relaxing after work - we all should have a worthy purpose! But today the celebrity spirit has entered and taken the focus OFF of what is right and good. God is not opposed to pleasure and blessings if the motive and purpose is right!
Taking on the Media Mountain by Pam Clark
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Even more now, after the elections, the Lord is emphasizing to me now the importance of going after the media mountain. We have to stand back (at least I do) and see it objectively. We have to see how it works, how it's needed and how it has been corrupted.
For many, they have not seen it work better than it is working today, which is a big mess! With the onset of the internet, or public access to news of all kinds, things changed dramatically, not all wrongly, but wrong people have abused it.
We NEED communication and even entertainment serves a purpose for unwinding and relaxing after work - we all should have a worthy purpose! But today the celebrity spirit has entered and taken the focus OFF of what is right and good. God is not opposed to pleasure and blessings if the motive and purpose is right!
A lot of things can help, and a lot of things can hurt, and we need to discern that. But if we are so apart from God that we can't even hear His Voice of correcting, then we are surely going on our own ways. And He can very much make the point that we need Him! But sometimes we need to learn how messed up we can make things.
He is after a relationship that is communicative! He wants interaction and He wants you to have your own ideas, but if you turn that into your own ways, neglect, and abuse others, and have no purpose for good but only for self and the satanic lust for self-rule, there are going to be problems. Just saying!
It's too bad that many preachers don't understand this better.  Some discerned it but didn't have the right alternatives to wrongs, so it just became "a rule" and people don't always do so well with that. When their freedom of expression is cut off, the true joys of life often goes with that, because things are not fully understood. Life is an exploration but should NOT be an exploitation and THAT is where we are missing it.
God HAS raised up prophets to speak to this. But when the people begin to accept wrongs and degradation and abuse as okay, they are on the path to hell. That means that judgment is coming. God created man for fellowship and joy, but the element of respect is also necessary. Many want "to rule" and when they believe they can usurp God, there will be some reckonings.
How much do you want to hurt? Just asking. This life is not that limited that new things can't still be in our view. How short sighted do we want to be? It can be very self-defeating! We know of many people who came up out of poverty and hardships and overcame great odds. We used to admire them, when now we want to harm and abuse them in the "name" of competition. It's wrong!
Having the Right Foundation
So intercessory prayer is not even useful if you don't have the right foundation. That's just my preface. Many try to use that for selfish gains, and they are doing that through soul power, not the anointing.
The media mountain affects a lot these days! It is the news media, the entertainment field, the press, the talk shows, the movies, and even financial communications. It takes conversations and multiplies them to many people. It instructs! It has influence!
So how do we pray?  First, we need to know what it is for and not try to be God ourselves. We always need a place and way to honor Him. He is the Author of it all, but He does observe to see who really wants Him, versus those who will destroy through their own vanity. I have explained that.
Today more than ever we have news shows of all sorts, podcasts, Zoom casts, that are also used in work, the internet, television, websites, and global conferences. All these carry communications. But what spirit is over and through these? THAT is what we want to redeem back to God, and that is WHY Jesus came.
Just as art is an amazing expression and comes through many forms, so does the media. It's all inter-related and today almost everyone has a cell phone and a computer. This is a big field. I have been looking for the right cell phone and have already sent back two because the expression on it was not right.
What it communicates is important! Okay, now that we SEE what we are dealing with and see its size to a certain degree, we have to know how to surrender this to God and then ask for His Help. Just because you say some spiritual or Biblical words does not mean He is really there. A lot of people and media have used that to sell things! (aka, merchandising)
But if we ask Him for clean airways that hear from HIM and interact with Him, and only those of faith can do this, we know He will respond! We know that the devil has the principality of the air ways, but there is a greater Spirit than that. So, we ask for the Portal or portals of Heaven to come open. We need the blessings, the messages, the Love of God and the purposes of God to come forth! Honestly, our soul can be satisfied there! And God can handle the increase!
But if we go to war... then we are participants in our destructions and there is a compromise that is not just of defense but other agendas. THAT is where the problem is! That is where our problem is as a collective people. Our numbers and might has increased and we are not using it for God's glory but for war.
If we can understand all this, then we are ready to pray for God to move. I don't know if you have ever been in a notable move of God, but it is something awesome and powerful. It’s something greater than man's strength alone. But He wants to go where He is accepted and received for Who He Is.
Welcome the Holy Spirit
We need to WELCOME the Holy Spirit! We need to praise and honor His Name, which is very descriptive. And we need to bow in reverence and honor to His ways. Some get nervous but if you know Him, you know it is glorious. It is the ones who abuse it that make it evil for others and they are the ones who hinder.
We need to pray: Thy Kingdom come!!! Thy will be done!!! and mean it. Things will come to mind that you know you know you WANT to pray for.
We need to be willing to change as is appropriate and enable others with His Love. We need to honor Him with respect, not as blind trust but with appreciation for His goodness to us. We NEED to say thank you and ask His help every day! God is into variety, and we can find many ways to do that, not being rote. He will move with Intelligence!
We need to bind the wrong principalities and powers, cast them down bound in HIS Name, and then release, or loose, Him to make a difference and ask Him to reveal to us what WE need to know. THIS REALLY DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
We need the CURRENTS of the will of God to FLOW, as the waters cover the seas, and they will! But it takes prayer and communication with Him! I'd say we are doing pretty good with communication; we just need it to be more with Him. He is not just an "observant" God, He is an interactive One! But WE NEED to be of the right Spirit!
We can change things IF WE WANT TO, if and by honoring Him. We need to ask Him to clean up the airways, find HIS agreement in the binding and loosing, and pray that He will loose the right people to perform, and WATCH HIM WORK! It does work and we CAN make big changes of redemption for the better. IF you want that!
Pam Clark

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