The Goodness of God by Barbie Breathitt

By Barbie Breathitt
God speaks to the positives of what we are and what we can become, rather than emphasizing the negatives. For example, God does not speak to our sickness and disease; he speaks to our health. He does not speak to our poverty or lack; he speaks to our wealth and abundance. He does not speak to our failure or mistakes; he speaks to our success. He does not focus on the past; he speaks to the now and to the future.
The Goodness of God by Barbie Breathitt
Ebook and E-Study Guide
By Jeremy Lopez
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God speaks to the positives of what we are and what we can become, rather than emphasizing the negatives. For example, God does not speak to our sickness and disease; he speaks to our health. He does not speak to our poverty or lack; he speaks to our wealth and abundance. He does not speak to our failure or mistakes; he speaks to our success. He does not focus on the past; he speaks to the now and to the future. God speaks the language of hope to encourage each of us to succeed. We do not like to be left in the dark, so God brings us into the light. He wants us to know the wonderful plans he has for our futures as much as we want him to reveal them to us.
When we capture a picture of light and God's goodness for our lives in the midst of the dark place of our existence, we have "vision." Vision releases hope. Hope enables us to change. Change releases destiny. Destiny drives us out of the now and propels us into the future. Once we catch a glimpse of who we are in the future we are able to bring it into the reality of today. This is one of the major ways God is able to accelerate good in our lives through dreams and visions. The more we can see and believe, the more we can become. We must see it to be it! God births dreams and visions in us in order to bring revelation, illumination, and inspiration.
Discovery of Truth
Revelation is the discovery of truth. Illumination is spiritual or intellectual enlightenment. Inspiration is communicating the understood, discovered truth to others. To inspire means to inhale, or breathe in the Spirit to stimulate the mind, to create or to activate the emotions to a higher level of feeling. To spiritually inspire is to guide, affect, or arouse by the divine influence of the Holy Spirit. Through revelation, illumination, and inspiration, the Spirit of the Lord is calling to the Holy Spirit within us as he leads us into the deep things, secrets, and mysteries of God. The DNA within each of us sings a different song.
Psalm 42:7–8 (NIV) reads: Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the lord directs His love, at night His song is with me–a prayer to the God of my life.
God created light, time, and space for us. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. This is hard for us to understand, but the Bible also says that a nation shall come to God in a day.
Isaiah 66:8 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? (NASU)
God's higher thoughts, light, and plans enter our dreams to imprint spiritual pictures and blueprints on our image center. God-given dreams are able to make us into world changers by bringing us revelation knowledge from his heart.
The greatest power in the universe is love.
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt

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