Waiting for the Full Manifestation by Becky Dvorak

By Becky Dvorak
You ask, "What about the person who has been prayed for numerous times, knows God wants to heal them, but just doesn't seem to ever receive the full manifestation?" This is a challenging question, but it does have an answer. I would recommend to this person to listen very carefully to what they are actually speaking when they are with people of likeminded faith, what are they speaking when they are with people that have no teaching or understanding of divine healing, and what are they speaking when they are alone. Our Words have power to create or to destroy.
Waiting for the Full Manifestation by Becky Dvorak
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You ask, “What about the person who has been prayed for numerous times, knows God wants to heal them, but just doesn’t seem to ever receive the full manifestation?” This is a challenging question, but it does have an answer.
I would recommend to this person to listen very carefully to what they are actually speaking when they are with people of likeminded faith, what are they speaking when they are with people that have no teaching or understanding of divine healing, and what are they speaking when they are alone. Our Words have power to create or to destroy. Proverbs 18:21 – “There is the power of LIFE and DEATH in the tongue.” If someone says, “I am so sick and tired of this…” Then they will be sick and tired. If someone says, “I can’t handle this anymore.” Then the situation will be out of their control. If someone says, “It hurts so much.” Then it is going to hurt and hurt much. If someone says, “I don’t ever receive the full manifestation.” Then they won’t receive it. As difficult as it all may sound, our words literally control our life.
I would encourage them to examine their life for any area of sin that has not been dealt with and repent and move forward. Check especially for strife and bitterness and then forgive. They need to forgive those that have wronged them. These things will cause them to falter in their confidence when they go before God and make their requests known to Him. (1 John 5:14-15) But as I taught in a previous post on August 9, 2011; “Getting Worse and Not Better”, God is not with holding healing from us. He already paid the price for our healing when He offered His back to be whipped to redeem healing for us. (Isaiah 53:4-5) Therefore, the hindrance to receiving the full manifestation is within us.
We need to learn to overcome the realm of our 5 senses like Abraham did. (Read Romans 4:12-25.) Personal example of overcoming the realm of the 5 senses: My knee was rubbing bone upon bone. My senses were telling me to go and seek medical help. It was swollen, I could feel the bones scraping one another, others could hear it scraping, it was very painful, and difficult to walk, but I chose to put my faith into action. I continued to declare that my knee was recreated in the name of Jesus. I spoke to the knee and told it to be recreated. I didn’t even give myself the pleasure of letting out a moan. I refused to focus on my 5 senses and in human reasoning and spoke only the Word and I continued about my daily business. When asked by others about my knee, I responded with words of what I desired and not what I had. “In Jesus’ name I AM healed.” And within a few days I had received the full manifestation of a brand-new knee!
Renewing the mind by reading the Word of God is a must in any battle. There have been times in my life when I have had to force myself to focus on the Word because what was in front of me was very strong, stubborn, painful, or looked impossible, but I choose to read the Word until it became more real to me than symptoms and human reasoning. I would read the Word until I fell asleep and if I woke up again, I would reread until I fell asleep again, I would actually dream the Word, and see and hear myself speaking the Word. (Romans 10:17) I had to overcome the battle in my mind. The physical realm was screaming symptoms and pain, and my spirit was telling me to ignore the symptoms, believe God’s Word and put my faith into action according to the Word. It was a battle, but I had the victory and received the full manifestation by fixing my eyes on the Word of God.
Becky Dvorak

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