Focus, focus, focus! You have heard My voice, it's a time of joy. This week I had a dream where I saw the Word of God at a distance before me and I really had to focus hard to see what it said. As I looked closer and focused hard I saw the words "You have heard My voice, it is a time of joy!" and I woke up. As I woke I began to ask the Lord about this dream. Even though this is not an exact verse in Scripture, the Lord used this as a prophetic picture of what many have been walking through.
Recently I was in a meeting in London, England. During the worship I began to smell a burning incense in the room. I thought there must be something burning in the church. After walking around the sanctuary I soon realized it was a supernatural sign and wonder from God. The sanctuary had filled with a burning incense smell, like fire. As I continued to worship, the Lord opened up my spiritual vision to see an angel standing at the altar. He held a bowl in his hand from which proceeded a burning incense. The smell of it filled the whole room. Then the Holy Spirit told me to turn to the book of Revelation. I opened right to Revelation chapter 8. This is what it read:
God wants to open up the well of our spirit so that we can experience the fullness of His Spirit from the inside out. That begins with us connecting with Him, discovering intimacy and allowing His Spirit to make intercession through us. Ezekiel 43:2 "And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory." God's voice is powerful. When God speaks from heaven it shakes the earth with impact and force. If you can imagine the power of God's voice as exemplified in the beginning as He created the heavens and the earth along with everything in it. There is such power in the voice of God. God said, "Let there be light" and there it was as with everything else He spoke into existence.
I looked down as I cooked dinner, and a single ant crawled across my shirt. I smiled because God was reminding me. Over the past few weeks, ants have been everywhere. I'd even be at restaurants with friends and look down to see a line of ants. As soon as I'd point it out, they'd be gone within minutes. I asked, "Lord, what are you saying?" Many times, God reveals truths and messages in the way He has designed creation. Here are a few interesting things about the way He made ants that are applicable in this season.
We often want clear-cut answers, black and white, "just tell me what to do!" It's nothing new. An expert in the law asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life. In true Jesus-fashion, he responded with a question. "What is written in the law? How do you read it?" Jesus asked. He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Yesterday I ventured out for a daily prayer walk, in a fine mist rain.  At the end of that walk, I heard in my spirit, these are God's tears.  I sensed that the waters you see, and the volume of rains covering many places these days, are indicative of the sorrow God is experiencing over our land, over the world. I sensed strongly God is weeping, and grieving over the violence, lawlessness, Godlessness and compromise in the world today.  Remember even "Jesus wept!" John 11:35 NIV
If there is one thing I have a bit of solid ground knowing about, it's this. The brightest and most life changing insights have often come during my darkest and hardest of days. How about you? I have found this to be true in my life and have also seen it happen in the lives of others. The bright "light bulb moments" that help us navigate those very hard days (and yes some hard weeks, months, years) occur when we humbly listen to God in quiet trust. Those two words, "Humbly and Quiet," they are real words, not metaphors or gooey spiritual blips! 
Greetings, friends and ministry partners!  I am so pleased to announce that I have recently completed the manuscript for what I truly believe to be one of the most needed, most comprehensive books ever written regarding the power of faith and belief, my newest release THE MIND: Beliefs, Perception, Neurons, and Sound Waves.  In this newest release, I share what I truly, firmly believe to be a clarion call to the Body of Christ and to humanity at large: a need for greater understanding of the mind. Whether you've ever taken the time to fully realize it or not, you are powerful beyond belief. The same power that formed the worlds and hurled the stars onto the canvas of the night sky at Creation is the same power that now resides within your very own being. 
The Lord gave me a prophetic dream for Hebrew New Year 5780 concerning the decade of "Pey" which is the Hebrew letter for the number 80, a symbol that has the appearance of a "mouth". Many prophets have been sharing that this will be the decade we must speak to move destiny and create change in the earth. In this dream, I was at the podium speaking and there was only a few people in the sanctuary and they were working in the back. These were people who care for the church and they were talking and taking out garbage. They represent the servants no one notices as they serve God humbly.
"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." Hebrews 8:12 When something goes wrong, is your first thought, "Well, this must be happening to me because of the sins that I have committed"? When you have a flat tire or fall sick, do you wonder, "What sin is God punishing me for now?" If your answer to both questions is "yes," you are not alone. This kind of thinking is so prevalent in the church because many believers don't really believe that they are under the new covenant. They believe the opposite of today's Scripture and think God is not merciful to their mistakes and always mindful of their sins.

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