Keys to interpreting dreams are found by focusing on the symbols that cause the most emotion in us as we recall the dream. Interpreting a dream is like solving a riddle or putting a puzzle together. The dreamer attempts to fit the pieces together until the perfect fit is attained. This is done by comparing and contrasting symbols; asking questions — "Why this symbol and not another?" and making associations between symbols. An example is, if someone says the word cow some may think milk or beef, others may think bull.
"'Don't be afraid,' he said, 'for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!' As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, 'Please speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me'" (Daniel10:19). The first time God spoke to me personally, I didn't know it was Him. I thought it was my mother. When I was 5 years old, she would tell everybody, "This is my little preacher!" It embarrassed me at the time. But looking back, it was God speaking through her. After 40 years in ministry, I am still preaching. It's humbling, but the Lord will often speak to us through the least likely people as part of our training before we can hear His voice for ourselves. The Lord uses unique vessels. Like iron that sharpens iron, they often are the keys that unlock our spiritual ears.
A season of double new beginnings begins today! Ask the Lord what two areas of your life do you need a divine reset. Where does God need to come and make all things new? Is it your walk with Him? Is it your ministry? Your marriage? Your career? It's time for a Holy Ghost makeover. He makes all things new. One of my favorite scriptures lately has been Philippians 3:13-14 which so powerfully declares: Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
The purpose of prophecy is to reveal and lift up Jesus, not man. Too many want to make it about the focus on people, and long lines will form to receive a word, but they mostly want a word about them and not their purpose in Him. Truth is, you will never be happy or content with a word from another human, because you will judge it against that human. But when you are really seeking Him, you will hear that word however it comes, and know deep within and with conviction that it is Him. He has a way of speaking to our hearts in a way that changes us and gets our attention. It will be supernatural!
Recently I was in a meeting in London, England. During the worship, I began to smell burning incense in the room. I thought there must be something burning in the church. After walking around the sanctuary, I soon realized it was a supernatural sign and wonder from God. The sanctuary had filled with a burning incense smell, like fire. As I continued to worship, the Lord opened up my spiritual vision to see an angel standing at the altar. He held a bowl in his hand from which proceeded a burning incense. Its smell filled the whole room. Then the Holy Spirit told me to turn to the book of Revelation. I opened right to Revelation, Chapter 8. This is what I read:
The Heavens are wide open, and there is a glory cloud on the horizon. To call it a glory cloud doesn't fully describe the magnitude of it, though. I see it more like a glory pathway, because I see glory being released from heaven to earth, on a mission to reach and impact the world with God's glory. Jeremiah 6:16 speaks about the ancient portals of Heaven, which says, "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the Old Paths, where the good way is, and walk in it." I believe there are ancient paths that are opening up, allowing access to the portals of heaven. It's time to step into the fullness of the Supernatural and the glory of God. 
Allowing God to undress us in the desert is not pleasant nor comfortable yet believe me when I tell you that what is uncovered once he does makes it well worth it. Below I would like to share with you some of the transformations I have been experiencing in my life during the last 14 years as I have roamed into some of the darkest and unhealthiest places within me. These changes have happened as I have accepted the grace to be able to shed the labels that I had come to identify my life with which were of course not true. The pain and the suffering in some of these areas was and still is at times very real yet the underlying message they led me to believe about myself was not.
Be still and know that I am your God and know that there is no one who can do what I've called you to do the way that only you can do it because you are a unique, one of a kind individual that loves, thinks and acts the way the I have ordained for you alone. There is no clone for you.  There is only one of you.  There might be others who look like your twin but still they have a complete and separate way of being. Step up to the plate and be real not the way you think others would have you to be but the way I would have you to be.  You are to please Me alone and not man. I will lead you and guide you into all truth that is the way you are to relate to others allowing Me to live through you.
I recently found a note I kept from Lacie. It was a sweet, encouraging note, one of those she hid for me to find a while back, and I saved it to reread for years. Anyone who has been married for more than a week knows we sometimes say things that hurt our spouse. It's just reality. I wish it wasn't true. I started thinking about marriage in terms of choices, particularly the choice we actively make to stay married, to abide in our commitment. How do we do it? "Marriage is hard," they say. Why did we do it?
God is not cheap but rather expensive.  We are expensive as well as it cost Him the life of His Son Jesus.  Although our salvation is a "free gift" there is a price to following Jesus.  After all, Jesus told us that anyone who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom. Luke 9:62 "But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." What do we have here?  What we see is the difference between being saved and being a disciple.  

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