Why do we sometimes dream the same dream over and over? The main reason dreams reoccur is that we have not entered into the understanding of the message yet. So the same dream message continues to play over and over. Sometimes the characters change or the setting changes, but the overall message remains the same. Once we come into the understanding and we apply the wisdom and insight of the dream's meaning to our lives the dream will cease to replay. Oftentimes, through recurring dreams, God is trying to communicate something.
Administration exists in absolutely every element of life. In The School of the Scribe I like to define it as the "management of processes, protocols and affairs" that establishes, aligns and propels success. For the prophetic scribe this releases four indisputable administrative streams identifiable in "tremendous detail" in scripture, history through documentation concerns the lives of God's chosen people in antiquity and in life's design overall. 
I'll never forget the first time I experienced the prophetic anointing. I was a freshman in college. We were having a prayer meeting in one of the dorm rooms. As we were holding hands in a circle praying, it felt like someone through a blanket over my head. The feeling was so real I opened my eyes. There was no blanket, but I still felt the sensation. I was experiencing a prophetic mantle for the first time. As I looked around the room I knew things about each person. As I shared what God was showing me each one was deeply ministered to as God spoke to the secrets of their hearts. 
In the military, our service personnel are disciplined, organized and committed to the cause of defending our country. When we think about spiritual warfare, we could relate it to our service personnel. The enemy comes to "steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10). He will perform any means possible to wreak havoc on your life. We could say the enemy, and his demonic cohorts are disciplined, organized and committed. We need to realize we have an adversary working overtime to cause destruction, inflict disease and delay our prophetic destiny. He destroys marriages, causes dissension and stirs up offense, so we feel rejected and betrayed.
There is so much taking place in this season of the Spirit. It is a busy time indeed. We have been speaking about the season of acceleration for quite some time now and those prophetic words are now manifesting into our natural realm. Holy Spirit says, "It's time for the words to be fulfilled. These are not only the words I have spoken to you but also the words you have spoken as an oath to be fulfilled to others, as well as, those words you have given as an oath unto yourself."
Over the last 8 years I have written quite a bit. Obviously like everything in life I have progressed over time the more I have written. These days is easier to find ways of communicating what is in my heart, but if I am brutally honest I still struggle with the thought of not being as relevant and convincing as other authors are out there. Only the other day as I was meditating on this feeling I felt God whisper into my heart "Pablo keep it simple as it is not your relevance or ability that produces the results. That part is for me to take care of." I must admit that this took me by surprise as clearly coming from a background of high performance sports I am all for honing our skills on our way to mastering our craft.
Many want to go forward in the Lord but find that they are put in a box (or form) that is not who they really are. Now to some degree, we all have places that tell us things are not right. You have to expect some changes in your life, many which are not planned, but you also have to find that place of established peace of soul rest, and rest in the Lord. It's the place of the anointing, the place where you can pray and find answers. You grow it, you mature in it even, so that you can get in the Spirit quickly and easily.
Trusting the process isn't ever easy, as a general rule. As humans, we are naturally wired, and even socially conditioned, to try to take matters into our own hands. We desperately cling to the notion that if we can control every input, then we can control the output. Fortunately for us, life doesn't happen in a vacuum. Things are dynamic, circumstances are fluid, and change is the only constant. This can be unnerving as we are striving to control our own journey.
We are in a time of preparation for some amazing times that are just ahead. Though it seems like things are uncertain, we must gain a heavenly perspective to overcome the attacks that are active all over the world. You can be sure that the disasters and difficult times we are seeing are not from God. These things are from Satan and the forces of darkness that are trying to discourage you from the breakthrough that is about to happen. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. Hebrews 12:28 NIV
Genesis 1:26-27 "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." We see in the beginning that God created man in His own image and likeness.  Before the fall of man Adam and Eve reflected that image of God in fullness.  They walked in the Presence of God, not having a "self-awareness" in the sense of having to fix themselves. 

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