What does it mean to fight the devil? The fight is our battle to get the Word of God into our heart. Satan battles to take the Word out of our heart. That's the fight. Mark 4:15 speaks of how Satan comes immediately to steal the Word sown in our hearts. Even as I share that verse from the Word of God with you now, the devil is working to steal it out of your mind. You might begin to think about what you want for lunch right now. You may begin to worry over a decision in the midst of a church sermon. You might start to think about an unpaid bill, or an errand to run even as you sit and read the Bible. Whenever you allow your mind to wander from the teaching of the Word, you may miss a nugget of truth and encouragement from God.
How do you engage in spiritual warfare? If you're like most, you suit up in the whole armor of God. Maybe you raise your volume. Then you engage in combat! Certainly, that was me for many years before God revealed a different way. And He used the words of an atheist to do it. I was preparing to write a chapter on the whole armor of God for my book, "Silence Satan," when the comment of an atheist on my Facebook page began to play through my mind. "You talk so much about the love of God," the man noted.
Earlier this week I spoke at a leadership conference for a group of pastors in El Salvador. These pastors face a lot of spiritual challenges in their culture: Drug addiction among youth, alcoholism, idolatry, and rampant witchcraft. But I had to tell these pastors that the biggest challenge to their churches is not something outside—it is something inside the church. One of the biggest enemies of revival is the spirit of religion. It could be the reason your spiritual life is stagnant. It could also be the reason your church isn't growing.
Cue the confetti! Happy New Year, Friends! I have to admit, I just love New Year's Day. The idea of a fresh start, a clean sheet, a new chapter, excites me. But, for some, the new year holds fear and uncertainty. That's understandable. I mean, one look at the evening news can throw anyone into an anxious state. However, I believe God is calling us to enter the new year with courage and confidence. I always read through the book of Isaiah to prepare my heart for the new year. As I have been dwelling there the past few days, I have been encouraged by the promises God has given us.
The Scriptures provide us with numerous conditional promises and commands that, if followed, will ultimately ensure a blessed future. This doesn't imply that walking with God will shield us from all challenges or suffering. It pertains to the rewarding outcomes of specific actions and lifestyles. As we step into 2024, adhering to Scripture's teachings is crucial if we seek a blessed year. Below are 10 conditional promises from God for a blessed future:
There is a Third party in the Room. Yes, it is so sad to hear of all the testimonies of things going on. And now that there is controversy, everyone is trying to "manage it." But from a believing prophetic view, there is another message. The prayer stream got polluted and God started resisting hearing those prayers. I am not here to point fingers. I have been through my own traumas. And we can go looking for the "right person or persons" when in fact, there is no human who is. But there is another Person in the Room!
There are currently numerous prophecies about the year 2024 being the year of the open door.  So, the question becomes, "What exactly does that mean?" Let's take a look at what an open door actually is, and at what it means for the present time. In the Book of Revelation John saw an open door in Heaven and was immediately in the Spirit.  But this was the second in the Spirit experience he had as he was receiving revelation that day on the Island of Patmos. So, a reasonable question to ask would be, "What is the difference between John's first in the Spirit experience and his second in the Spirit experience?"
Is God listening to us when He doesn't answer our prayers like we want? Many times, we talk to God by what we are calling prayer. However, here's what we do. We tell God what we want Him to do. When it doesn't happen like we want it to happen, we wonder if He is really listening? We go to Him with our to-do list and then say, "Ok, talk to You when You've done all that." We had a monologue. Not a dialogue. God is the boss of the universe. We don't tell Him what to do.
One of the keys to understanding the truths of the New Covenant is having a revelation of the gift of grace. The apostle Paul gives us clear insight in this matter in Romans, Chapters 4-6. Romans 4:13 NIV says, "It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith." Verse 16, "Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all."Here Paul indicates the way we enter into grace is through faith.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1 There is a lot of fearmongering everywhere you turn today—on the news, in the papers, via social media, and unfortunately, on Christian media as well. However, it is vital that we do not let fear take over our hearts. As believers, we have no business feeding on fear. If your mind is entangled with knots of anxiety, perhaps it's time for you to examine your mental diet. What have you, consciously or unconsciously, been meditating on? Are you ingesting and believing everything you see in the news reports, or are you living by what the Lord Jesus has purchased for you at Calvary?

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