t was the place where immortality was said to be found – and Jennifer Spies could not wait to get there. It was an Asian tea plantation that grew only one herb, jiaogulan ginseng, an adaptogenic that was reportedly able to extend lives and to fight off cancer and other fatal diseases. The plantation also had a retreat, and she availed herself to the courses taught by the master tea growers. Miss Spies was a fast learner, and she caught onto the art of growing the tea rather quickly.
I hear the Father saying He is ALREADY making a way for you, and it's not by power or might but by His Spirit He is doing this. He says it is all coming together by the working of Holy Spirit. The force with which you are being pressed on feels extremely uncomfortable, but it's good because the Father is aligning you with Heaven's perfect order and timing, which include the right people at the right place at the right time. And the reason this is happening is because it is time for the new thing the Father has ordained for your life.
I have called you my people to rescue and redeem a lost generation. You may prophecy and proclaim the things that you desire, but remember My desires! My church is still playing its religious traditions, yet part of my church is now adding new ear tickling revelations, to fascinate people with excitement in order to compensate them from their religious, monotonous, boredom. My people will now learn how to operate in the Spirit of discernment, rather than swallow everything that is coming from those who cover themselves with a spirit of elitism.
For those who fast periodically - especially for spiritual reasons - I wanted to offer you some helps and experience I've picked up along the way. Much of this also applies to fasting for physical reasons. I am not a medical professional, but I have never had to take a regular prescription medication in my life and have been to the doctor so little in my adult life that I will simply pay the penalty not to be enrolled in heath insurance under the ACA. The Lord Jesus has paid the price for me: spirit, soul and body (I Thessalonians 5:23-24).
We have recently entered into a new year once again! With a new year always comes a renewed hope for those longed-for goals to be achieved and a sense of crossing over into a fresh opportunity for greater success. I personally believe that 2017 holds tremendous greatness and renewal for us. Shortly prior to crossing over into a new year, around the time-frame of the U.S. presidential election, there was a spiritual shift that moved us into a new season. As I felt the shift take place, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me of what can be expected during this time.
"He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver." (Isaiah 49:2) I sense the Lord saying, I desire to send you out to make a far greater impact than you could ever make on your own. Your calling and purpose are sure and desperately needed in this day, and because of that great need I am taking time to refine and transform you. For the year 2017 will be more preparation for the days ahead—a year of purification and refinement so that you will live and move and have your being in me alone. Many are asking, "Why do I feel as if I'm stuck, making no progress toward my destiny? Why is this process taking so long?"
The Lord told me in November that 2017 is the Year of Victory. (I thought He told me "early" but over the years, I have learned that He has His reasons for things.) He asks: What can you believe God for victory of, from or over? Think BIG!!! Now think FAITH – that is the "I want to." Now think BELIEF, making it happen. Now what will aid all that? This is your work in God, to believe. Be practical, in the Spirit. God can do the impossible! If you can honestly agree with God for it, you can have it! You just have to tend it in the Garden of your faith. Are you agreeing with God?
In case you have forgotten, in case you never knew: you are not crazy, you are not alone, you are loved. "Why do I believe what I believe? Is this really real? I want to believe, but I'm struggling." I hear you loud and clear. I know you're exhausted. This road is full of heartache and existential angst, but it's so worth it. It's worth it, because at the end of the pursuit of truth is not more certainty but more hope--hope that compels us to love and live more deeply than we ever knew possible.
The other day the Spirit of the Lord asked me a question, "How long will you have been married in 2017?" I answered, "34 years." Then the Spirit said, "Yes, this is double 17's! There will be a release of double portions in 2017. Double redemption, double restoration and double repayment for every promise that has been delayed." Then I confirmed the math that 17 + 17 does indeed equal 34. Then the Spirit told me, "It will be double for all of your trouble. Go to Psalm 34:17 and I will confirm this to you." So I did!
This is the day and the hour that I am drawing you closer to Me than ever before. I am filling you up to overflowing just by you coming to Me and basking in My intimate presence and love. It is most important that you partake of My presence in a way where I am able to fill you up so fully that My springs of Living Water gush up and spread out and touch everyone you make contact with. Yes, this is not the time to go off by yourself and harden your heart with complacency. Taste and see that your Lord is good. Yes, blessed is the man whose god is the Lord.

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