We NEED the Lordship of Christ. We NEED true discipleship! But too often there comes a disconnect from the true faith, and a lot of that is based on human idol worship. This is a challenging subject but is one the Lord has been highlighting to me for a while. The strength of the Body of Christ in America is at a crossroads, and lot of that is based on the teaching or false teaching that people are getting. We ALL need to come before the Cross of Christ and bow on both knees.
We must see men as God does. The Prophet Isaiah, as he prophesied the then future (2600 +/- years) advent of Jesus the Messiah, declares a profound life giving truth. God's desire in Christ is that all men be as trees of righteousness. Trees, which consistently are bringing glory to God are totally testifying that, symbolically as trees, all men are fruit producing plantings of the Lord.
I heard the Lord Say, "Be patient, your nation is having major heart surgery. Stay in the waiting room and pray." I remember when my mother had major bypass heart surgery in her seventies. The doctors came to us in the waiting area and told us these words, "Because of what she just went through, she's not going to look very good to you, but she looks great to us!" I sense the Lord saying, "Be patient with your nation, and remember I am not a Republican or Democrat, I AM that I AM. I AM working on a whole nation and everyone is a work in process. Don't judge, for I AM not finished working on anyone.
Last night I had a powerful encounter with an angel and as I came out of this experience I was aware of an invitation and strong exhortation being extended to God's people from Deuteronomy 30. I heard the words, "Tell My people to choose life!" I was immediately aware of an "old familiar" spirit of death that had visited me many years ago that has been alluring people into hopeless despair. The Spirit of the Lord is calling you to walk away from the threshold of the enemy's trap that will kill, steal and destroy all that God has for you.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying I am getting ready to expand your reach. I am increasing your influence. I am anointing your words with authority. It is time for My Apostles and Prophets to come forth with power! What you spoke of the last season and didn't manifest will come forth in this season. I have given you marching orders. It is time to use your words to bring forth the manifestation of what I have called you to do.
Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28:9-10 Enlighten means to impart knowledge or to shed light on something, intellectually or spiritually. God has been about enlightening mankind since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden over 6000 years ago. Ultimately, this enlightening will bring about the restitution of all things (see Acts 3:21).
There are days I wonder how I am having an impact in this world. The vast amount of suffering and pain is almost immobilizing to a heart that cares about it. Where do I even start? It starts right where I am. Many world-changers never grow into their own shoes because the problems they hear about solving are a continent away. When in reality, tragedy lives next-door. There are days I wonder how I am having an impact in this world. The vast amount of suffering and pain is almost immobilizing to a heart that cares about it. Where do I even start?
The Father is raising up Deborah's and Esther's together for the advancement of His Kingdom. What they could not do on their own, they will be more than able to do and accomplish together. The one will help to empower the other because the promises of God bind them together. And the Holy Spirit will set them out as the Father so wills and purposes. He's had His eye on His Deborah's and Esther's for a long while now. He's calling them His dynamic duo because their impact is greater together.
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Psalms 24:8-9 The Earth is the Lord's and there is none higher than He! He is crowned with honor and grace. He has a name above all names, and every person ever born will ultimately bow their knee to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Their confession will be made known before men, for He is the essence of magnificence and splendor. He is the Beautiful one; there is no one higher.
There was once a ward in a hospital with extremely handicapped people in it. These people were sent there as they were unable to communicate or even function properly in society. They were the product of extreme mental trauma suffered at the hands of others either from childhood or in adulthood. The hospital where the ward was located had tried everything they knew to help these people recover but not much progress was made over the years. The patients were mainly sedated most of the day and lived isolated and lonely lives. One day a new doctor was hired to lead the department.