Sometimes I look down at my hands, form a fist, and release. I know under the surface there is a complex nervous system coordinating my movement. So many processes are happening to just ball up my hand, and I am amazed I can even ponder it. I breathe in and out. Again. I close my eyes, and I'm full of gratitude. There are these fleeting moments of hyper-awareness, when it seems like every little detail matters. I had one of those moments recently. My Dad and I were screening in the patio at my house. We worked all weekend together. At one point I was holding a board for him to cut. The Sun was shining brightly behind his head, creating a soft glow around the edge of his hair, the cooler November air reminding me of changing seasons. I experienced lifetimes in a matter of seconds.
There is no doubt that Papa God is moving in this hour and powerful things are taking place all over the earth. We are seeing things shift at accelerated speeds, and many believers sense something huge is on the horizon. I don't believe it's merely wishful thinking, I believe it's God and He will have his way. I don't know about you, but Papa has been doing a lot of inner transformation, as well as outer transition in our lives personally. He's taking us deep, really deep, into the cellular memory of things for the purpose of strong foundations and intimate mystery unveiling. It has been wonderful, and if I'm completely transparent, very challenging at times.
Despite all the bad news that the world systems are heralding we are totally being bombarded with and surrounded by the glorious presence of God. The Seraphim appearing with the Prophet Isaiah, almost 3000 years ago, said the following: And one called out to another and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory." Isaiah 6:3b NASU The glory of God is simply the presence of God. This presence fills the Earth at all times. God is called the King of Glory (Psalm 24:8) and also God is called the Father of Glory (Ephesians 1:17).
Get ready to receive exciting new things starting this month. I heard the Lord say that there are a number of gifts coming to us starting in December.

Many of us received promotions during the month of October just after Yom Kippur, on October 12. (You can read the details of that prophetic word in my blog from October 2016: "Why This is Such a Significant Time.")
The Kingdom of God is for the poor. I have been pondering about this truth and it has astounded me what kind of power the truth has that the kingdom of God is for the poor. James tells us an important truth: "But you have dishonored the poor man." (James 2.6) The Gospel of Luke is written for the outcasts, for those outside of society: the sinners, tax collectors, poor people like the poor Lazarus who went into the bosom of Abraham, drunkards, lost sheep, prodigal sons, heathens, etc. We read that even Jesus was an outsider. He did not find room in an inn. He had to be born in a manger. James continues to exhort us: "Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?" (James 2.5)
A seamstress sat at her sewing machine trying to combine linen and polyester – two diametrically opposed fabrics – and out of the corner of her eye, caught her reflection in the mirror. She lifted up the presser foot, took her foot off the pedal, got up and faced the mirror. A hand reached out, and she heard, "Let Me show you your true reflection." Romans 12:21: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." The Church tries so hard to overcome all the negative forces in this world with what it is seen as good by natural eyes. But the word "good" in the verse above doesn't necessarily mean positive, it means wholeness – that which is without holes – because it originates from God.
Years ago before the twins and Liberty were born. My wife and I were out of everything in the house and had no money. We were out of everything from toilet paper to formula and diapers for our firstborn son. We had prayed for days for the money to come and God just didn't seem to answer. Then one night, I believe it was a Sunday night we went to church and there was a guest speaker there speaking that night and he would be there for a few nights speaking on doing street evangelism and holding revival meetings.
Like a woman cooking a large family meal, I have a pot on every burner right now. Front right is the woman who has given up on her husband. Back right is the child still going the wrong direction. Front left is the young woman who has given up on her family. Back left is the woman who sees no hope in herself. I keep a spoon of prayer stirring in each pot where someone teeters on the edge of writing someone off. According to the Free Dictionary by Farlex, the idiom "to write someone off" means:
"They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us." 1 John 2:19 Division can come from God - for division reveals the true heart of man. When President Obama won the election for the 2nd time I was unsure of why, and felt that the leadership of Romney was going to lead the nation into a new direction.
I'm the worst at always focusing on the next thing instead of what's right in front of me. It's so hard for me to live in the now, when I've always got the next thing cooking. Add to that the fact that my email inbox is constantly filled with how-to's from successful experts I want to be just like. I read their emails and immediately get overwhelmed by all the "amazing things" I'm not yet doing. So what do you do when you want to change the whole world in an instant but you have days when you feel like you can't keep up? You confess that craziness to a friend. Because, seriously, that is crazy. I have people who love me enough to tell me to put the brakes on.

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