God is taking setbacks and what was intended for evil and bringing blessings. Negative situations will have a good outcome as you keep your focus and trust in God. If you have gotten warfare and resistance over the past few months, then you can now expect big breakthroughs to start happening. If you lost your house, your car broke down, you got hit with health setbacks, relationship troubles increased or old behaviors or addictions kicked up again—I have good news for you. God is going to do a sudden move to bring you out of your darkest time and use it to bless you. Watch for September 15–17 to be a turning point with this.
Winters are brutal up in the North Country. During the summertime I am outside as much as possible. Just a few days ago I was hiking early in the morning along a very common trail I take many times a week. While I enjoyed the natural surroundings and beauty of the moment, an image flashed before my eyes three times of an extremely large, firmly built concrete wall crumbling down right before me. This same image continued to occasionally flash before me throughout the day, and I pondered it over and over. Just about everywhere I went over the next few days, there they were—images of walls crumbling down. My initial thought was, God, You are removing hindering forces; strongholds and fortresses are crumbling down. His said to me, "I am removing unscalable walls from among My people. Walls that have hindered. Walls that have blocked. Walls that have stopped My people from the destiny of their harvest field."
The hardest time in a transition is often in between the sets of waves.  God has been pulling people out of the prior waves that they've been used to riding.  Meaning, many of His people have been feeling the pull out of the previous movements, traditions, religious systems, revelations and doctrines of the past; anything that doesn't match where God is heading.  Some have really struggled to let go! Why? Could it be that it has become too familiar, comfortable, manageable and no longer necessary to rely on God as much? "Houston, we have a problem!" It's so easy to become stagnant in our walk with God and limit the potential growth He desires in us.
This year marks fifteen years since the terror attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. In Scripture, the number fifteen represents rest, which is made possible by deliverance, which is what the number fourteen represents. The Feast of Unleavened Bread occurs on the 15th day of Nisan in the first month on the Hebrew calendar. It was to be observed as a day of rest. The 15th day of the 7th month on the Hebrew calendar begins the Feast of Tabernacles, also a day of rest. God appeared to Abraham on the 15th day of Nisan and told him that his descendants would be slaves in a foreign land (Egypt). Years later, God delivered all the firstborn of the Israelites from the death angel just as Passover began after sunset on the 14th day of Nisan. Twenty-four hours later on the 15th of Nisan, the Israelites began to come out of Egypt (see Exodus 12:40-41).
Walk steadfast over stones of time. Uproot and plant the fields. Stand firmly in this present place. The prophets now reveal. The depths of understanding run. Beneath the tide of hours. With holy vision the seers see. And broadcast from watchtowers. The poet's words like tapestry. Expresses truth and pain. The sound we hear from pens and swords. Uncovers hope again. Listen. Look. Live.
When we receive God's salvation through Jesus Christ, our reality is then forever changed. "Jesus said to him: 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life...'" (John 14:6). Then and forever, we as believers enter a new realm of authority. "'I am the Alpha and the Omega,' says the Lord God, 'who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty'" (Rev.1:8). Although the way God's presence and power are experienced differs during distinct seasons in various settings, our priorities and processes of life are eternally impacted: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 22:13). And for those fully responding to become truly positioned to move with God as He moves, life becomes more and more exclusively about the Lord: "to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Php. 1:21).
I remember walking down the well-worn sidewalks of Sunset Strip in Hollywood, California back in the mid 90's and thinking about all the rich history of such a beloved and controversial city. For some, it's the thrill of the flash and the rush of stardom that draws them to go to any length to relocate to the place people call the "City of Dreams." For others, it's the place where only demons reside and judgment looms. But for God, it's the place where people live and His inheritance awaits. It's the place where The Creator of the Universe creates and messages of hope come flooding through the movie screen and into the hearts of humanity; causing them to awaken to a new reality they've never known before.
Are you currently waiting on the Lord? Maybe you're waiting for a job, a spouse or a wayward child to return home. Maybe you're waiting for wisdom for next steps or how to handle a hard situation. Waiting is hard because there is so little we have to wait on these days. We can microwave a meal in three minutes. We can journey across the globe in one day.
This summer, as has been true for the past few summers, racism has made headline news. Deep divisions have been put in the spotlight, and it can sometimes feel as if that spotlight has served to dig them even deeper. But we can't confront racial strife if we don't acknowledge that it exists. The challenge is that racism does not just have a deep root, but has many deep roots in our lives, communities, and country. Like much of our nation, I've been doing substantial soul-searching to seek understanding about my own actions, beliefs, and behaviors, as well as the systemic patterns that write collective actions, beliefs, and behaviors in quite
What is "Holy Spirit religion?" How would an authentic anointing be recognized? How would we know that the Dove and not the pigeon has come down on the preacher? It is not always so clear — at least at first. What then would true religion look like? How would one recognize pigeon religion versus Dove religion? Here are the six cardinal issues for which we must be prepared to go to the stake:

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