I heard the Spirit saying, "Now is the time to shed the skin of false identity and put on your true identity." It is time to allow the Lord to help you shake off any false identity that you have been wrapped in, clothing you in misrepresentation of who God created you to be. You have been fashioned in His image and the Holy Spirit lives within you; He is there to do great and mighty things through your life. His Spirit reveals the love of the Father to you, reveals truth to you, and empowers you to resist the devil and his lies.
Fearless warriors you shall be.  Yes, I will call you fearless because you loved not your life unto death.  You died out to your own will and ways and chose Mine that are much higher than your own.  You chose to die out allowing My resurrection power to flow through you enabling you to do great exploits. Yes, this is the day of the great falling away but it is also the day where My bride is making herself ready with Me in her secret place that I made for her alone.  Yes, each and every one of My beloved lambs have a special place I have created in My heart for them to dwell and within your very heart I have that place set up. 
We are living in a time of shifting, shaking and experiencing many changes in the world as well as our personal lives, but for the believers it is going to be a glorious time of demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit just as they had experienced in the book of Acts. The Lord wants to use every one of us in extraordinary ways not in word only, but in manifestation of His power with healing, miracles, signs and wonders.  These signs will follow those who believe: In Jesus name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
Here is a passage in 2 Chronicles that is such a clear picture of the heart of God concerning His primary goal concerning "His house."  This has a 3-way meaning and application. The house of God is a picture, type and shadow of the way things should look. Firstly the application begins with our personal lives, as we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Next it has meaning for our corporate gathering together in worship to God. Then there is a reality of how God tangibly and even visibly fills even a physical building, something He still does today!
This is part two of a prophetic word I released earlier this month. I am getting more revelation right now than I am able to process. Things are heating up in Heaven for one of the greatest shows on Earth. I have been prophesying that a revival is coming, in fact God is saying it is starting soon! Here is a portion of the prophetic word I released in January 2016: "Last year on New Year's Eve, I had a very powerful encounter in which I literally heard the audible cries of people who have been wounded by uncaring Christians and leaders. Then I heard (this part was not audible) the Lord say, 'Their blood has reached my ears and I must respond.'"
Jesus shed His blood on Calvary so our sins could be forever removed. But if we refuse to ask for forgiveness and repent of our sin, the blood Jesus shed does not profit us. When we turn our faces away from God and ignore such a great salvation, we choose death. God has never sent anyone to hell. In His great love, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on a cruel cross so we could choose forgiveness from sin and obtain eternal life. Eternal life is knowing and loving the only true God. People of their own free will choose sin, death and hell. What would happen if God granted permission for the vilest of sinners to enter heaven without being born again? Could that person tolerate God's living light in his dead, perverted, dark state? Could his dull, sin-hardened conscience turn towards God and repent?
The enemy's greatest and most strategic battlefield and often times the most successful, takes place within the realm our minds. If we can become discouraged enough or afraid enough to lose our perspective of who we have been transformed to be through the redemption of Jesus Christ, then the enemy has won the battle - temporarily. Losing our perspective usually takes place in times of continued discouragement or fear. Discouragement and fear are stemmed from deceptions from the enemy spoken into our thoughts, in attempt to exaggerate the problem into being bigger and more powerful than the promises of God. On the contrary, peace and joy are attributes of faith in God and His word. The enemy of our soul wants nothing less than for us to see ourselves as failures, outcasts, rejected, sick, poor, powerless, and unforgivable. Those are all lies to hinder us from the truth of who we really are.
I had no idea when I was young, that God would use my testimony, to change the lives of thousands of others. I vividly recall being spat on, picked on, abused, bullied and made fun of by other kids, and I felt as if my heart would break. I would run to my room crying, wondering why others saw me as nothing more than an object of contempt and ridicule when I had hopes, dreams, and plans for the future just like everyone else. I tried, calmly and rationally, to change the various things that provoked the ridicule - my hair, my clothes, the way I walked or spoke. But even then they always found something to criticize.
For about a week I've been having prophetic dreams, visions, and receiving word downloads. At first, I thought all that I was receiving was for me and my household until God revealed to me that it was for the body of Christ. The body of Christ has entered a place of weariness, and it would appear that there is no hope for restoration, but there is. In fact, many are experiencing a time of testing or realignment, and because more seems to be working against you, your adversary would have you to believe that you are losing the battle. Sometimes as believers, we have to step back and evaluate who's really running the show.
July is going to be a time of major changes. Things that God has promised you over the last few years are now going to start to take place very quickly.

There is going to be a blast of new sounds from Heaven over you that is going to open new doors, part the Red Sea, awaken dry bones and open your eyes and ears to hear in the spirit at a new level.

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