The phrase "turn your swords into plowshares" is indeed a well-known quote from the Bible, specifically from the book of Isaiah 2:4. The verse reads, "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." The phrase is often used as a metaphor for the idea of transforming destructive tools of war into productive tools for agriculture, and by extension, promoting peace and prosperity. It is a call for people to lay down their weapons and seek peaceful solutions to conflicts, rather than resorting to violence.
You feel like you are alone and hopeless, but are you? Let's turn to the Scriptures to see what God has to say about this matter. We read in Hebrews 13:5, the latter part of this verse, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." God is saying to you that He will never abandon you, never leave you without help. He is not going to leave you. You say, "Becky, you don't understand my situation." And perhaps I don't, but I do know our Lord, and He is forever faithful and true. And if He says something, He means it.
Being beckoned by the Holy Spirit to do so, I recently embarked on a three-day prayer get-away by myself, where I spent roughly 12-18 hours each day in continuous prayer, worship, and studying the word. During my time alone with the Holy Spirit, He met with me in ways that exceeded my hopes and expectations. He was with me in what felt like a very tangible presence, while giving me downloads of personal direction, while also speaking to me the following word for the Body of Christ.
In December 2021, NASA launched the James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful telescope ever deployed. We are seeing details about the universe that have never before been seen by human beings. As profound as those images are, they are no more amazing than the images from the most powerful electron microscopes that give us details of the subatomic world. Whether looking out into space or into the tiniest structures on earth, details abound. Whether through a telescope or a microscope, we see the detailed reflections of our Creator God.
Do you know someone who has walked away from the Lord and needs to return? Could God use you in His divine plan? This is exactly what one father did for his son. "I didn't care when I was arrested because I was high," Josh Bingaman says. "When the drugs and alcohol wore off, it was a different story. There I stood in line, about to put on the orange jumpsuit and move from a holding cell into the jail. I knew I could not put that jumpsuit on. I just mentally was unable. The guards were about to call my name for a search when all of a sudden, I heard my name from the other direction."
God is getting ready to take His church to the next level in these last days. The Lord wants to share keys that will teach us how to live in the eternal realm. As His children, we are called to live the ascension life with Jesus. You are probably familiar with the resurrection life, and hopefully, you are living it out daily. The resurrection life is the overcoming and victorious Christian life that Jesus bought with His shed blood on the cross for us. He died and resurrected so that we might live it! The resurrection life should be the everyday Christian life.
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11 Our enemy the devil is well aware that the moment you learn to receive God's grace, you will start to reign in life. So, he has been working hard to prevent you from receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. The devil has been using controversy as a device down through church history to prevent believers from having access to the most powerful truths of God.
God has brought us into a new day of the better promises! We have a vast inheritance in the Lord that is just waiting for us. All God requires is that we believe being evidenced by our actions in faith - even taking the Kingdom of Heaven by force! Out passionate faith makes a difference in obtaining His promises in our lives. May the Lord grant you a burning desire with a willing heart to apprehend all that He has for your life and those around you. But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6
I have been around a lot of prophets, in small towns and big cities, in large ministries and in small. I got my calling in 1976, but the first few years after that were a lot of study. After that, it is "continuing education" in its many forms! There are two strong focuses for a true prophet and that is your personal ministry with and to God and your ministering ministry to people who need His insights. We have not been "chosen" for "celebrity" status, although many treat it that way. (They will learn!) It is a servant ministry to the Spirit and to people. Sometimes your hard knocks are how you will learn!
This weekend, we are celebrating Resurrection Sunday, also known as Easter. The Lord is continuing to move with breakthrough anointing, healing, angels, new hope and joy. Throughout the month and beyond, the Lord will continue to reveal His plans and purposes for us. There are new angels being released to help us during this time of transition. It is time to celebrate as the Lord is turning our weeping and mourning into joy and dancing. Wait on the Lord, and stay in a place of encouragement, worship and joy. And don't give up. Be strong and courageous and encourage others around you. This is a time of transition, and breakthrough is here.

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